Kerry v Antrim ... an un-fair match if ever there was one
but would the Kerrymen have knee-caps after the
Döt know if my starting handle would start a jckb ... But a jckb might be useful for ram raiding ... But what are you going to do with all the Rams... Maybe some lonely farmers may have a job for them worrying sheep dogs
Dont know if my starting handle would start a jckb ... But a jckb might be useful for ram raiding ... But what are you going to do with all the Rams... Maybe some lonely farmers may have a job for them worrying sheep dogs
Miserable 29 year old *titters * seeks someone to help him find his true location, tractor thrown in along with silk footie shorts:giggle:
Have to hope our Alan doesnt blow a fuse sticking it in strange sockets lol
:grin: anyone ever try to jump a 12 volt car with a 24 volt lorry, its not good for the car...
:giggle: I mean jump-start
Try attaching them to your testicles not good for them either longjon.
I hasten to add i have never had the experience however I have some erstwhile friends who have done such things (jackass have nothing on these guys).
High voltage balls??? Now that is a new one to me:eeek:
Would be intresting to see how many volts those daddy bags could take:evil2: