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Locking Threads

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Ive noticed a bit of trend and im not liking it! Im not one to criticize or give out but it seems that a few threads that open a line of healthy debate and in any way at all show mods in a bad light seem to be getting locked?? I have no issues with mods in anyway..I think they do a great job and all that I have met are super lovely ppl, but being in a position that there in some are goin to get the hump and if they feel the need to post in the forums about it to get others opinions then why not? I can understand if a thread turns into chaos with everyone sniping at each other then yes it should be locked but on some of the threads they were quite peacefull no insults or anything. A bit of debate is good and this is the anything goes forum! And others might have found these threads helpfull. Thats all I have too say on the matter
Usually I find threads are locked at the OP's request when it degenerates into an unpleasant mess, I know this was the case on one I locked earlier this week. I know this is not the one you are referring to as there was no reference to mods. All I can say is that if you feel a thread has unjustifiably been locked go to the mod who locked it and ask. My own personal instinct is that I need to act as a mod and either mediate on a thread or even lock it if I feel that one particular person is being discussed. I completely agree that the forums are a fantastic media for open discussion and censorship is not an activity indulged in here. However, like an iceberg, what is openly visible is simply the tip of the issue.
KK without seeming defensive I agree it might seem that when a mod is attacked we all close ranks but hun I assure you we take a lot of flack in silence. We are often unable to respond in the way we would if we returned to our regular member state, sometimes the instinct is to go 'yeah but hang on what about when you.....' 'yeah but such and such did this......' but we can't. I'm not strumming the sympathy violin here but the other mods have my support, they do not deserve some of what they endure and for god's sake if there is a problem with any mod bring it to admin directly. It's an adult site, if you have a valid complaint and can provide examples this will be dealt with. Do not make random, vague statements. Have the courage to direct your issue to the person in question or leave it to Admin to direct it.I'm not being argumentative with you KK, you know I loves ya hun, but your post has provided an avenue for discussion.
Midnight thanks for your view! I hope you know this is in no way ment to be offensive and hope no one takes it as such!
There is always a valid reason why a thread is locked. I could be as the person that started it wants it locked or removed, or that its getting out of hand, or that there is an internal investigation into the matters underway. It's never something thats done lightly as there are strict rules and regulations as set down by the sites owners on locking or removing forum posts, which have to be met in full before such action is taken. I'm sure the reasons for the forum being locked will come out in good time. Sean
lol KK i editted my text before I saw your response. Absolutely no offence can be taken from your post because it was coherent and logical. As I said, it's a good post to open a valid discussion. I'm sure that some relevant points will be raised but remember if it dissolves into a baser argument nothing constructive can come of it and those who would wish to be involved in this discussion will just tune out.
midnight...your scary when your mad! ha ha only messing.. thanks too both of you for replying! As a mere site member im not privey to the full details so If anything this might dispell rumeurs of conspiracys and cover ups!
People are entitled to their opinions on the forums unless they are being abusive of course. I think threads should be locked out if it is basically just after turning into a slanging match as that's of no good to anyone but a thread shouldn't be locked because someone happens to say something against mods on the site. It doesn't surprise me at all that both of lovebirds threads have been locked, am sure this one will be as well before long.
hi kk i agree with you on this thread i dont know why they are locked but in saying that i have meet some of the mods and they are all nice and would go out of their way to help on site
My response was the 2nd comment on this thread,but it has been deleted ??,?????
Quote by user=icer11
My response was the 2nd comment on this thread,but it has been deleted ??,?????

Sean says
are you sure it wasnt the second on the who knew thread. Its still there?
mids and myself where posting on this one this morning only she faster than me in replying.
The forums aren't what they used to be, it is a pity that some threads that might bring a bit of life into the forums again are locked, it is a trend i am noticing more and more. Such a pity.
Yep - This is something that happens a lot and this is an old post I have inadvertantly bumped, just because I want to say the following. The OP hit the nail on the head there where she says that a lot of threads seem to be getting the lockdown treatment if the issue raised is controversial or in any way shows mods in a bad light. Well over a year since this was first posted and it seems to be still going on. And for proof, just count the amount of locked threads on the first few pages of Anything Goes forum. There is quite a few (Even three together in a row on page 3). My opinion would be that if your thread is locked and you are the OP the Moderator who locked it should email you clearly saying why it was locked and not some generic message that you broke rules etc. I even emailed a mod to ask why my thread was locked and the response I got was that it was posted at the bottom of the thread. I replied that what was stated on the bottom of the thread didnt make any sense and I was then told if I have a problem to report it to admin. The mod in question didnt even want to converse with me online re the fact that my thread was locked. Now a little customer friendly service, (as most mods engage members with questions) would have been a nice change in this situation. But alas this wasnt forthcoming. Quite lately, one moderator told me personally that we as members are owed nothing, nothing at all, and that he doesnt have to give reasons if he locks a thread (This mod never locked a thread of mine by the way). He also stated that he doesnt even have to give a reason for banning members, that he can do this as he pleases. Now whether he is being honest as to his absolute powers to ban without reason are true or not I cant say. But this moderator did tell me that he knows what is best for the lifestyle, no not the site, but the lifestyle as a whole, and this is the reason he is given free reign. So if we can be banned without due notice or reason, then what chance do we have of a forum that is let be so members can post their honest opinions?
Jesus sugar if you get banned who will keep the forums going with good i didnt say mastrabate lol. You raised some very good points, just hope the mods dont get their panties in a knot again wink Not into mod bashing as i tend to get on with them all, to be honest it makes no odds to me if they have a star or not they are members just like us, so come on mods keep to the rules by all means but have fun with us the bedroom too if your up for it :wink: who knows if a mod flashed their star at me i might drop my knickers in awe...oops i dont wear any but you never know i might behave and wear some :wink:
The 3 Locked threads where all locked locked as they related to a similar matter. Failing that the actual percentage of threads locked is very small. A thread is never locked lightly. Its a serious matter and has to be justified and documented to the site owners as to why it has been locked. Most are locked as the OP has requested them to be locked. People are free to express their feelings but we are not allowed to start personal attacks against other site members which is usually the other reason why threads are locked down. People will never get on with everyone they come across but thats what makes life so interesting, but then life is way too short to be getting worked up by things that in the big picture are very minor. There are a number of threads that make me laugh in here. The blood boil, or the things that make u go grrrrr always make interesting reading to me as i am amazed by how little can upset some people. People should spend a day in a Childrens Cancer ward, or in the National Rehabilitation Hospital, or with the soup run to the homeless at night, and then they might realise that their life is not all that bad really and maybe they should't let little things bother them in the same way. Life is short, and way too short to worry about the little things, so focus and be thankfull for all the good stuff in your life and stop worrying about the bad stuff. Sean.
well said sean! lighten up everyone.. this is supposed to be FUN!
:confused2: :confused2: i am unsure if i should comment on this or not :notes: ....well i am not known to hold my tongue so i might as well.... I am by no means against a healthy debate or a mature discussion but what some people are calling "debates" are actually out right digs at certain members or stirring s**t ....thats what i have found when some of these lastest posts have been locked. Sugar and I may add that there has been a couple of posts that people were taking digs at you...and no matter how much u elequently replied, re-canted or edited ......its still what it is...someone taking a dig at relpying and then its a vicious circle and can get very abusive. Whether the person is named or its a pretty obvious of whom you are attacking (ex: "D> big boobed mod <D"...sorry busty for using u as example lol ) The mods have a job to do but sadly lately it has been babysitting rolleyes Let me remind everyone that being a moderator is an important part of this site and its also done on a volunteer basis....they have to act in an un-biased way ---not like the regular public where we seem to think we can say anything/stir as we like. However i do agree with the comment of recieving a private mail to explain why the post was locked and what exact rules were broken.... see that wasn't so bad now was it :giggle:
Quote by sean0001
People should spend a day in a Childrens Cancer ward, or in the National Rehabilitation Hospital, or with the soup run to the homeless at night, and then they might realise that their life is not all that bad really and maybe they should't let little things bother them in the same way.

If something like that doesnt stop us in our tracks and make us think i dont know what will. Very well said sean. Now are ya going to flash your star at me wink