have to agree with you Marie, if people are being asked nicely not to whisper but continue to do so then I think the mods should remind chatroom users of the rules ... persistent abuse should result in the offender being kicked.
yes we are all adults but not all seem to be able to act like adults.
Perhaps as it was a male mod in the room he did not perceive the problem to be as difficult as mjj found it.
That she found a need to post here would indicate she was unhappy with the level of support.
is it any wonder so many lovely women give up camming.
ok here goes ...........my private pics are private for a reason if I wanted everyone to see them I would have made them public........that sounds like a good enough reason for me so why cant others understand it........arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ok rant over ......calm happy place........xxxxxxxxxxxanny
Pictures, why bother I thought? Sure you two ladies have seen my cam and my white boxers oh lordy and more! Marie " the shower wiggle" x Happy
My rant:
"Thread Removal" to be precise "SWING AWARDS 2009" an excellent thread for people to nominate the positive side of the site, me included. Rant over . . . .
The thread was asked to be deleted by its originator, it was not arbitrarally deleted!!
And my rant is about all the bitching that goes on here. For gods sake can ppl not just grow up, we are all entitled to our point of view.
I saw the thread swing awards and to tell you the truth just thought it to be a fun thread very much like the christmas stocking thread in the bi forums............ just a fun thread........and not one that would cause an issue with anyone .......just my two cents worth xxxx anny
emmm swing awards 2009 that would have been fun i could have got the award for worst spellin on the site now ill get nothin
alan ball and raven could have got an award for bestest charity link
mjj could have got an award for biggest boobs
and so no not fair
think ill just go and make a cuppa for me self now :cry
loves ya all to bits
I can't be arsed getting into a debable here, just simply made an honest post about a thread being removed, a thread that as someone rightly pointed out, worked well in the Bi forum!
But too be attacked by two Mods is not exceptable! And is certainly not fair! I have no gripes with anyone here and nor do I choose too! I am posting this knowing that I face a ban, or the entire thread being removed, either way at least I have the balls to post my thoughts and am not afraid to do so, whatever the outcome.? Funny how things turn out! Signing off now, it maybe for the last time! Take care!
Doctors differ, Patients die. . Peoples perceptions and what they read differ. Lets just leave it at that.
Happy why would you be banned for asking a question?
I dont see how you done anything wrong, after all it is the "Let off steam thread" and a simple question surely should not lead to a member been banned. Personly i dont see any where in your post an attack on anyone or even you having a go at anyone.
Are we not allowed to ask a simple question now for fear of upsetting members here?
the kids spent 2 hours building a snowman last week and were very proud of their efforts , named him snowy and took pics of him smiling in my front garden , that was on friday , later that night the childminder noticed some commotion in my front garden and looked out , but nothing seemed amiss, until saturday morning when my youngest began whimpering and pointing to the place where snowy had stood .... he had vanished , they came and told me their snowman had been stolen ,naturally i presumed he had melted ... then my son came and told me that he had seen snowy 4 doors up looking bigger, but with the same lopsided smile my daughter had lovingly constructed from her favourite beads .... fookers had robbed him , rolled him some more and they had him on proud display in their front garden ..... now That HAS TO BE AN NEW LOW !!!!!!! FOOKERS .....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Or nick him and leave a ransom note in his place.
What a bunch of scum bags to rob a kids snowman.
Avalon sorry still can't get over that........ was it a student house?
avalon says , no hun , it wasnt but it was a rented house , the only one in my street , all the rest are owner occupied ...
Well my grandson built a snowmane outside his house, someone destroyed it and left the head on their doorstep, there's some sad feckers out there :fury:
I remember having snowmen in crystal balls used to shake the fook out of them! But then crystal balls where never my thing! Hmm ponders should I take up cards?