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Let some steam off!!!

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Racist remarks of any kind are not tolerated on the site at any time. I'd advise the lady in question to report this person via the abuse report function so the chat logs can be checked, and the offending person dealt with accordingly
They way this country as gone, reading the paper yesterday and it was saying that Governments members who worked in the Dail Eireann were giving 63 euros a day to encourage them to go to work the fecking cheek of it no wonder this country as got it self into vote these feckers in and they feck all accept rip us rubbish and aint geeting my vote next year. I wanna know why none those high officals in the banks haven't been arrested for corruption and have the key thrown away.:fury::fury: Sorry for the rant but it has to be said.banghead:banghead:
Quote by user=BIGGLES5000
I wanna know why none those high officals in the banks haven't been arrested for corruption and have the key thrown away

Because those high officials you speak of gave donations to Fianna Fail at the Galway Races and places like that. If they are arrested and charged, then they would spill the beans in court as to which fat, cowfaced politician(s) they gave money to on the sly. Brian Cowen was minister for finance during the time that these guys were at the helm of the bailed out banks. Now he is running the country. Leading the country by kleptocracy rather than democracy
Bloody more cuts on tha cards again according to the News. Interestingly enough I read in paper today/yesterday's of the alarmingly un-necessary i.m.o., excessive "accessories" expenses, Politicians are allowed to have to avail of top-of-the-range accessorized mobile phone equipment, complete with car-kits etc. etc.!!!! What a frickin' joke!! :taz::taz: I don't think the Recession has hit at all yet I'd say it'll take another two good years of sh1t hittin tha fans and carpet under-lays bein highlighted :giggle: for a lot of vital essential left-out "minor rolleyes" (yeah right!) details of our Government's activities to surface and be revealed an investigated yadda yaddda yadda ..... :roll::roll: And in the mean-time, us poor souls are left to fight on lol, and suffer the worry and un-certain-ness crap. :uhoh::undecided: CAR-KITS?!? Use the ear-phones that come with the bleedin mobile phone like us other's who can't afford car-kits FFS like. :kick::kick:
I know how you feel zaza i was told yesterday by a girl twenty who works in our local office that practically i had no right to call myself a single dad because my son lives with hes mum. I pay for my son every week and get no help from the state in doing so it comes out of my own pocket and now paying for hes playschool on top of that for the year. Her comment really annoyed me and upset me i went frigging do you have to do to get help in this fecking country anymore no wonder the younger ones are leaving again in there droves to find those fecking bankers should be locked up instead of locking up people who cant pay there tv licence, and now more budgets cuts in December i wish that single dads could have the same right as single mums .This Government is a joke.:taz::fury::fury:banghead
People not reading Profiles is driven me up the walls ….banghead:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: For the love off god read them as we would never even think about meeting some one who has the audacity and insolence to ask why a person with a disability why they would be interested in sex or the more common and most annoying and infuriating question ….. can u take your leg off while I ride ya????? , Good god what are ye thinking sure some off us are different and have disabilities , …Put we do have feelings and emotions too…. and we did you to the bother off writing our profile and did answer every question asked and some that others would not even think to ask and still have no problem answering any legitimate honest questions that someone may ask ……Put I have never in my life come across so many who have the inability to communicate with out being crude , offensive and hurtful …….. So if you cant be bothered to read our profile please don’t bother us with the likes off … .. …. hi id ride ya leg or no id love to ride someone with your problems I am not that fussy ….. and as for the other silly and in my mind childish immature questions I have ever come across in life I wont even go there as some would offend not only people with a disability put everyone in general , So think twice before you ask another ridiculous and hurtful question because next time I wont reply in whispers and then we shall see who will feel like an inferior idiot …………………………. Tomirs :upset::upset::upset::upset:
Biggles I'm sorry you have been tarred with the same brush as many other less diligent dads and labelled a part-time daddy. I personally take offence that a man may claim tax credits for a child who does not reside with him on a regular basis. As far as I recollect a man may claim tax credit worth approximately €30 pw for a child residing with him part-time. What qualifies as 'residing part-time'???? One night per year!!!! Now I don't resent this credit being granted when the claim is actually valid, but ONE NIGHT PER ANNUM..... I would imagine the credit granted would be amended if the mother was also least I hope it would.
I am not understanding why you are paying for a play school, due to the retraction of our right to the Early Childcare Supplement all pre-schoolers are entitled to one year's free attendance.
Quote by user=tomirs
People not reading Profiles is driven me up the walls ….banghead:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
For the love off god read them as we would never even think about meeting some one who has the audacity and insolence to ask why a person with a disability why they would be interested in sex or the more common and most annoying and infuriating question
….. can u take your leg off while I ride ya????? ,
Good god what are ye thinking sure some off us are different and have disabilities , …Put we do have feelings and emotions too…. and we did you to the bother off writing our profile and did answer every question asked and some that others would not even think to ask and still have no problem answering any legitimate honest questions that someone may ask ……Put I have never in my life come across so many who have the inability to communicate with out being crude , offensive and hurtful ……..
So if you cant be bothered to read our profile please don’t bother us with the likes off … ..
…. hi id ride ya leg or no id love to ride someone with your problems I am not that fussy …..
and as for the other silly and in my mind childish immature questions I have ever come across in life I wont even go there as some would offend not only people with a disability put everyone in general , So think twice before you ask another ridiculous and hurtful question because next time I wont reply in whispers and then we shall see who will feel like an inferior idiot ………………………….

:clap: Well said Mrs Tomirs :clap:
Guys, Mrs Tomirs is a lady, a lovely lady who is quite hot, so please be respectful.
And no, you dont have to be respectful just because she is hot, you should be respectful anyway. Dont you know and understand the etiquette of this lifestyle? Some guys have absolutely no chance of a meet on here .
Ahhhh alicolwic kiss:kiss: Thank you for such lovely words …. :-o You have restored a smile that was fading away ….smile:kiss:
Tomirs I am shocked that you would get those sort of Im feel a bit ill.....I hope you dont let it get you down too much and realise its pure ignorance and stupidity you are dealing with,of course its going to hurt but please remember that most people are not as insensitive and thankfully there is more good than bad out there( I HOPE) :rose: Mrs D xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mrs D kiss …. Thank you hun I must agree the majority on site are every genuine and caring thoughtful people , We have made some wonderful friends and hope to make many more regardless off the few who seem to have no regards for other peoples feelings … smile tomirs
Quote by user=tomirs
Mrs D kiss ….
Thank you hun I must agree the majority on site are every genuine and caring thoughtful people , We have made some wonderful friends and hope to make many more regardless off the few who seem to have no regards for other peoples feelings … smile
is not likin tha single life at all at all at tha moment. It sucks ass majorly ..... sad:(
When your birthday starts out with somuch prmise but then fizzles out into utter disappointment
Happy Birthday.
Quote by user=zaza
is not likin tha single life at all at all at tha moment. It sucks ass majorly .....

tell me about it
When someone u work with knows u have a voice and shops u to ur whole deparent and ur forced to song wheter u want to or not ....... I'm totaly mortified here!!!!
Being in the company of someone with a voice and not being able to make them sing :violin:
Lol ding ..... You always make me sing :doggy: I make my own blood boil reading posts I made when clearly intoxicated lol....
Quote by user=Kitten28
Lol ding ..... You always make me sing :doggy:
I make my own blood boil reading posts I made when clearly intoxicated lol....

lets make sweet music.....
Quote by user=Kitten28
Lol ding ..... You always make me sing :doggy:
I make my own blood boil reading posts I made when clearly intoxicated lol....

love the avatar, by the way..... mmmmm me kitten
Lol wup thank you. Thought it was very fitting
Why is it that some people just dont know when to stop stepping on your toes and to back off...hate gettin mean with people to make them stop
Been told by Fas today that im over qualified to do a course arrrrrrrrgh:fury::fury:banghead:banghead:
Quote by user=BIGGLES5000
Been told by Fas today that im over qualified to do a course arrrrrrrrgh:fury::fury:banghead:banghead:

Ah FFS That is just plain cant be overqualified for a course if you havent done the course before!
Ah Biggles come here and I'll sit on your knee :rose:
Quote by user=BIGGLES5000
Been told by Fas today that im over qualified to do a course arrrrrrrrgh:fury::fury:banghead:banghead:

Biggie you could always teach a class yourself??
"Health and Safety While Sitting on Someones Knee"???
dont worry when i retire from answering the phone to these lonely women on the 1800 sex lines ill pass the phone on to you
Quote by user=BIGGLES5000
Been told by Fas today that im over qualified to do a course arrrrrrrrgh:fury::fury:banghead:banghead:

Devil's advocate here....... there is a logic to it. Courses should be alloted to those who can attain the most from them, who have the greater need to be tutored. Fás obviously felt a lot of the course content was already known to you. Fás courses are notorious as being filled by people who simply want something to do whilst unemployed (thats not aimed at you biggs). I can say from personal experience that people like that on courses hold others back (again not aimed at biggs). I have started off my training on a Fás course as a stepping stone to the job I wanted. On gaining a place I was horrified that the ethos was that we would work 'to the speed of the slowest member of the class'. Now, as this person was a complete novice in the field and was only truly there passing time while he had nothing to do as an unemployed person, the best the rest of us could have hoped for was attaining basic qualifications. Being the docile soul I am I made it clear that I had no intention of being penalised for others shortcomings........
I guess what I am saying is that in these times these places are like gold dust and I am delighted that Fás seem to be selecting candidates with a more realistic approach. Biggles if you are over-qualified you might be better served looking for a tutorial role or applying for a scheme where you might be able to use your talents.
Mid, all joking aside, how the hell do you see things so well? If ever there were openings for a mediator between North & South Korea, or Israel & the Arab Nations I'd be forwarding on your cv with or without your approval. Nothing sexier than a lady oozing intelligence and clarity. worship
have to agree with you alicolwic there mid. You should be giving these courses , not taking them , a lady of you talents.
Quote by user=midnightchat
Been told by Fas today that im over qualified to do a course arrrrrrrrgh:fury::fury:banghead:banghead:

Devil's advocate here....... there is a logic to it. Courses should be alloted to those who can attain the most from them, who have the greater need to be tutored. Fás obviously felt a lot of the course content was already known to you. Fás courses are notorious as being filled by people who simply want something to do whilst unemployed (thats not aimed at you biggs). I can say from personal experience that people like that on courses hold others back (again not aimed at biggs). I have started off my training on a Fás course as a stepping stone to the job I wanted. On gaining a place I was horrified that the ethos was that we would work 'to the speed of the slowest member of the class'. Now, as this person was a complete novice in the field and was only truly there passing time while he had nothing to do as an unemployed person, the best the rest of us could have hoped for was attaining basic qualifications. Being the docile soul I am I made it clear that I had no intention of being penalised for others shortcomings........
I guess what I am saying is that in these times these places are like gold dust and I am delighted that Fás seem to be selecting candidates with a more realistic approach. Biggles if you are over-qualified you might be better served looking for a tutorial role or applying for a scheme where you might be able to use your talents.

Ah no worries midds was ho pen to do hertiage course was going to combine that and my security qualification together so i could go out and set up on my own. I was hopen to do something like a probate officer but i already a have a FECTAC LEVEL 5 done in Securtiy which i cant get told me i can't have two Level 5 courses although one is in a totally diffrent field altogether.
I went for my grant for a Forensic course aswell in lEVEL 6 and i was turned down for that to i guess i just have to pay for it myself but i will never give up on what i want to do and hopefully something will come around the corner i guess the money is just not in at the mo to fund people.