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This has been done before elsewhere and it can lead to a few giggles :grin:
What did the last text you receive say exactly, leave nothing out we wanna know all.....we don't need to know who sent it just what you read when you opened it!!
p.s. if it's abusive we don't wanna know bout it :giggle:
Ok I will go first mine said..... "Ur some dope" :-o
Ahh and a nice day to you too smile. Just trying to downloadmusic from the net. 'David Garret1 - brilliant fiddle player! Very vibrant and energetic ! - my new cleaning music neutral. Decided this the day for the spring clean
Hey mr ****** are u in dublin yet?x
haha so you approve so
The person at ***************** has no credit and would like you to call them :violin: now who could that be !!!!
"Ah brill fair play,,wish her all the best from me so maire, hope she gets on good"
no bother man........:P
I`ll ring you when i get off the phone, i`m talking to ma at the minute......
Teddys last recived text....wanna be ass fucked tonight??? I didnt send that one :evil2:bolt:haha:
Hey missus.. u alive or loose ur phone again?
You have been availing of free anynetwork texts.... darn it top up time again
pmsl here ...I wanna die...kill me now lol...dont think its sea sickness as i think i have a temperature, must have picked up a bug! great timing or what smile
lol longjon, I always used to text that when I had a plan....
:grin: I am trying to imagine what that plan might be KK
Such a tosser!!:grin:
ok will call later, drive darefully (my dear mother meant drive 'carefully') :haha:
Wat time u b here... Am wet waiting :haha: evil
Quote by user=alan-ball
Wat time u b here... Am wet waiting :haha: evil

Well Alan was it wet when you reached your destination lol boink
Quote by user=kkgirl
You have been availing of free anynetwork texts.... darn it top up time again

aww kkgirl thats the text most dread to see coming through :fury:
Hey u awake?...x (now that was last 3 texts ffs from 3 different people--what do i hold vampire hours or what???)
Quote by user=longjon
:-oOMG Virgo

He wasn't calling me a tosser Long:haha:
"wil u buy me a naggin of vodka?ill giv ya d money wen i homex" from my eldest on her way home from work last night.... Mrs D
You should've gotten a sitter and joined us tonight
will call at 240, that okay?:lick:
youl be nice and horny for me tonight so!!!!!
Quote by user=lucylovesit
youl be nice and horny for me tonight so!!!!!

That was supposed to be private you know .........:-o