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If You Owned This Website

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Note: The following thread is for proactive & positive ideas to improve the website in any way you may see and not for people to come on pissing and moaning. So……. If you owned this website would you make any changes/saves? Look at it from a business standpoint, not a social one and if there are any changes or saves you would make then state them below. Here is what I wouldn't change: [b:d2213dd857]Data Protection Policy:[/b:d2213dd857] This website has a Data Protection Policy which is fantastic. The site's DPP is such a confidence booster insofar as your personal details never being transferred to third parties. The fact that the website has a 3rd party non- transference policy is very reassuring. Your personal details are kept strictly private & confidential and you will not receive any spam mails due to this rule. [b:d2213dd857]The Website Layout:[/b:d2213dd857] Again fantastic and very easy to navigate around. The site has a gallery, a forum section which covers most things swing, an excellent party listings section that allows you to mail your guests in a single group mail among other great features, a stories section where members can post stories of an erotic nature, there are groups you can either set up yourself or you can apply to join one that may already be established. There is really too many good things to list about the site layout & its interactive features, so I will stop here or I'll be typing for another half hour lol The changes I would make are as follows: [b:d2213dd857]Forums Access:[/b:d2213dd857] I would make the forum inaccessible to non members. At present any person in any country can read the forums even if they are not members. This I would do away with. Although members are forbidden to post personal details such as mobile numbers and addresses in the forums, with the forums being available to view by non member anywhere in the world, this leaves me a little unsettled. Journalists seem to be getting their info for their smutty reviews of the lifestyle from the forums. So for starters I'd do away with this. Only full paid members would gain access. [b:d2213dd857]The Moderator Selection Process (MSP):[/b:d2213dd857] Im gona go all psychic now and predict that this part will annoy some, however its just my point of view, a very balanced, impartial and valid point of view and the following points I will make would be for the overall good of the site, as if I was the owner of Symbios. [b:d2213dd857]Well for starters to become a moderator you would have to:[/b:d2213dd857] Be a fully paid up member of the site for a minimum of 18 months You would need to have signed up for a yearly subscription for your first two years (Or the two years preceeding your application) and have extras purchased (This shows you are dedicated to the lifestyle at least financially) You should be of good standing on the site, with no record of you being warned by Admin in the previous 18 months due to unsavoury behaviour on your part. I would set monthly targets for Mods to meet, such as authorising of pics, members parties, dealing with tickets that Admin may pass on, policing the forums & chatrooms and other tasks that are currently expected of Moderators. I wouldn't add any new tasks, what they have to do at present is more than enough. You would need to meet targets, if you didn't you would be relieved of your duties. Simply coming online every few months or so would not be good enough. If you wish to be a Mod you need to put the effort in. You need to meet targets. What good is a Mod who is only online every now and then? Some other member(s) who is/are regularly online could complete the Mod duties in a much more efficient manner than one who is rarely online. Also, all Moderators would have a maximum term of "employment" for a maximum of two years. This can only be extended should Admin wish to do so. Changing of the guard/shakeups can be refreshing and can bring about a new feeling to a website [b:d2213dd857]To be chosen as a Mod you would have to:[/b:d2213dd857] Apply to Admin which is standard practice at present. However I would change the current system whereby your application is passed to current Mods to vote you in or not. This would need to change to bring transparency to the process and would end any perception (true or not) that the MSP is full of nepotism/favouritism/clickiness/a buddy system/jobs for your friends kind of thing. A lot of long time members who understand the workings of this fine website will tell you in confidence, should you ask them, that they believe the Moderator Selection Process to be an unfair one. I tend to agree. But that's my personal opinion. I would change this system so as anyone wishing to become a Mod would fill out an online questionnaire which would be drawn up & formatted to assess any applicant's suitability to the role. Upon passing the questionnaire test, a 15 minute phone interview would also be imperative. Now I am aware that Admin is a very busy man with many business interests globally and who most probably would not be in a position to hold such interviews, so I would either pass these duties to the customer support team or simply outsource a Human Resources company to undertake the interview duties. After all, I am looking at this as if S4I is my business and my sole source of income, and repeat business is something I would strive to attain/retain. [b:d2213dd857]The Admin Account:[/b:d2213dd857] Only Admin would have access to this account, and no Moderator would be granted access so they may email members through it. If a Mod wished to relay a warning to a member they would do so through their own profile/account. Well that's my tuppence worth. What's yours? And please do not use this thread to bitch & moan. This thread is for proactive & positive ideas only.
One thing I have noticed about the site is that the search/browse feature can be a little finicky! For example, when you browse profiles from your area you can filter by either "Date Joined" or "Recently Online". When you select either you are presented with a list, hit "Filter" again and the list seems to change. Not so much with the "Recently Online", but for sure with he "Date Joined" filter. It's nothing too major, its just something I noticed. (Fix it now or I'm gone!! lol) Anyone else noticed this?
Another little thing I would change is the notice members receive if they apply for an invite to your party but are unsuccessful. At present the wording in the message to the applicant is:
This is just a quick note to let you know I have been unable to confirm attendance for the party: "Sugarloaf's Birthday Party" Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Should read something like: You have been unsuccessful this time, however please apply to any further parties I/we advertise in the future.
Otherwise your inbox gets hammered with questions from members that werent chosen looking for reasons as to why. You may also need to stay out of chat too for the same reasons
That whole "Contact me if you have any questions" line is an open invitation to be pestered lol
LOL I must send u a list of questions asking why I was unsuccessful so :evil2::evil2:
Quote by Sugarloaf
Another little thing I would change is the notice members receive if they apply for an invite to your party but are unsuccessful. At present the wording in the message to the applicant is:
This is just a quick note to let you know I have been unable to confirm attendance for the party: "Sugarloaf's Birthday Party" Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Should read something like: You have been unsuccessful this time, however please apply to any further parties I/we advertise in the future.
Otherwise your inbox gets hammered with questions from members that werent chosen looking for reasons as to why. You may also need to stay out of chat too for the same reasons
That whole "Contact me if you have any questions" line is an open invitation to be pestered lol
I would agree with sugar on forum access, privacy is a vital part of this lifestyle and some of us have somewhat personal pictures as our avatar so making the forums private to members only would be a great idea. I do disagree with the point of been finacially dedicated to the lifestyle, yes money can come into this lifestyle but paying up does not mean you will be on the site for the full twelve months of payment. And disagree that mod`s should have a maximun term of employment, no one can see what is going to happen tomorrow never mind in two years time, so some mods may be here for more than two years and some may not so setting a time limit on it is not really fair. I do think that changing the mods every once in a while would be a good thing, not only for all members but for the mods too so they can enjoy the site as a carefree member. I do agree that the process of choosing mods should be changed, yes current mods should have an input but so should all members, this would i feel cut out the "buddy" thing that as sugar said a lot of us members do feel is present. I think the suggestion for interveiwing is a bit too much, a simple in house voting system would work better as at the end of the day no mod gets paid to do the job so going through all that is a tad unrealistic. I do agree that only admin should have acess to that account, as if we wish any memeber other than admin to have our personal email or details we would be able to put them up on site. A goods thread but i do feel there is too much about the mods on it, yes i have given my point of veiw but in response the the op but maybe for once we should give them credit for what they do and realise they are members just like the rest of us pervs lol
Raven The post in itself " screams I want to be a Mod" I'd leave that choice to ADMIN
Quote by CorkSexyGuy
The post in itself " screams I want to be a Mod"
I'd leave that choice to ADMIN

Wrong. If i wanted that id have applied by now. We are on this site six years now and if thats what i was after id have gone for it already smile
Quote by Sugarloaf
The post in itself " screams I want to be a Mod"
I'd leave that choice to ADMIN

Wrong. If i wanted that id have applied by now. We are on this site six years now and if thats what i was after id have gone for it already smile
But really you want it, own up! or maybe you've been refused?
Your post in part, emphasised MODS.
The Moderator Selection Process (MSP):
To be chosen as a Mod you would have to:
Apart from your post, what really would you know?
If you've a problem with the selection process I'd suggest you contact ADMIN or a MOD individually.
hmmmm if I were the owner of S4I 1.) More colors to choose from in the chat rooms 2.) Would love an instant messaging system that meant you could chat to friends without logging into chat room. Have to say as a mod I knew one other mod previous to getting the position so I cannot agree with the suggestion that it is "jobs for friends". I also cant agree with the targets and performance monitoring you suggested sugar. For me one of the things that makes S4 a really good site is that it is managed and ran by members on a voluntary basis. All the mods are or were active in the lifestyle and know and understand the issues associated with swinging. They are not employees, if target's were being set etc I think it would take away from the role mods play in here, which is of course to maximize each and every users experience and enjoyment. my tuppence worth Rox
We are happy with the current selection process, its not a popularity contest at all, we carry out own checks, we monitor and we get feedback, it works although not quite as you say, so we see no need to change it, as you say though, this is what you would do if you owned the site and your welcome to your opinion, thanks for the feedback on the party message.
Sugar.. poke 6yrs?? sillyoke: i remember the hullabuloo u caused when u first started and I am only here 3 yrs ...some come ere for telling porkies smackbottom I agree with Roxy i read Sugar's requirements i was thinking that this is strictly on a volunteer basis so who would bother....Mods are here to make the site/chatroom/forums a more enjoyable place for everyone and to do the grunt work so no more work/restrictions are needed..... ....being a mod a popularity contest??? well that just burst me bubble sad :( :( or perhaps i just speak my mind a lil too much dunno (contary to popular belief tho i do know self-restraint :giggle: ) or cudda been i have had a warning or two :crazy: agree about the part-time mods tho...some just pop in once a month or so...not too long back i have seen two different mods...didn't know them...haven;t seen em since :dunno: but that could have been their trial period (which is great idea!!) ...Having mods for longer than two years are fine...they know the ropes and can help out the newer mods ....but i do think it would be a good idea if mods had to sign in for a min amount of hours a of late...alot of the time you are in chat there are no mods around :dunno: (i do KNOW that there are other commitments besides chat) Now i have given my opinion i think everyone of ye should be grateful :grin: ...usually you have to pay money for such wisdom bolt :laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove::laughabove:
we agree that the fact that the forum is completely open and that the website can be public scanned via google, etc is a major drawback. this should not be the case. also if the forums and content were truly members only then it would probably be used more by those of us whom are reticent to do so presently for that exact reason....
Another interesting debate. I didn't know any of the mods when i applied and there are a number i still have not met. All the recent new ones i have not met either, but i would know them from being around the site a fair bit, so i wouldn't accept that its a buddy process at all. If someone is suitable and prepared to make the effort and has a clean record on the site then i would be in favour of them being a mod. All new Mod's need a run in period as its a far bigger role than most realise and takes most some time to get their head around it. Modding is a volunteer process which can take up lots of your time and have a negative effect on your swinging life but personally i do it for the greater good of other site users and especially for all the new members that we get daily. I would agree that some forums should only be visable to paid up members but the forums bring new people to the site which is why they are viasble from the outside, but as people know forums and pictures are visable they need to decide how much personal information they want to post about themselves. There are many swinging sites in Ireland and i have checked out them all, but i still think this one is far better than any of the others, but others may disagree but thats the great thing about choice. Sean
In an ideal world I would like a personal note facility, where you could tag a virtual 'post-it' note to a profile. This note would be visible only to yourself but would be invaluable to a prolific chatter like myself for keeping up. You could keep information on it that you feel you want to log e.g. Lovely couple - keep an eye out for them at the meet 'n greet. I'm afraid at my busier chat periods here I do tend to mix up user names or information that they've told me.
I would change things so that if you are a paid member on here and if you e-mail someone who is not a paid member then they would have the ability to at least reply to that mail which has been sent to them.
I have a list lol 1. I'd like a 'complete' block button that would block out members from viewing my chat and me viewing theirs, from viewing cams and vice versa. In fact, when I click 'block' on a certain member they can't see me at all throughout the site and vice versa! 2. The [b:c424f3a28d]bold[/b:c424f3a28d] and [u:c424f3a28d]underline[/u:c424f3a28d] removed from the text options in chat as I feel that they are just as rude as using capital letters. 3. A daily quota on how many smilies one can use, the constant flooding of smilies on the screen in chat to be honest really does my noggin in. Finally, there is no favouritism, click or buddy system in place that is complete and utter rubbish! It was said a few years ago that mods meet up once a month and have orgies :lol: it's amazing how idle minds work really! When I became a mod in 2009 I knew very little of the other moderators and even to date there are mods I've never met and only interact with in relation to site related issues.
Quote by Legz
I have a list lol
1. I'd like a 'complete' block button that would block out members from viewing my chat and me viewing theirs, from viewing cams and vice versa. In fact, when I click 'block' on a certain member they can't see me at all throughout the site and vice versa!
2. The bold and underline removed from the text options in chat as I feel that they are just as rude as using capital letters.
3. A daily quota on how many smilies one can use, the constant flooding of smilies on the screen in chat to be honest really does my noggin in.
Finally, there is no favouritism, click or buddy system in place that is complete and utter rubbish! It was said a few years ago that mods meet up once a month and have orgies :lol: it's amazing how idle minds work really! When I became a mod in 2009 I knew very little of the other moderators and even to date there are mods I've never met and only interact with in relation to site related issues.

Oooh I agree with all of the above in particular point 1.....that would be a very welcome addition
Also would like to add removing the radioactive, blinding bright lime green color from chat.
Interesting thread however I would have like to have seen this driven from admin rather then a member of the site....
I think the Mod set up comments are obviously from a lack of understanding of the process, the people and what is actually involved in moderation.
Its not an easy voluntary (stressing the word) position to take and I would think more often then not completely thankless and when compared to non moderated sites I think S4I and its Mod team do a great job!
Well if you are having orgies stick some pics up give the rest of us a cheap thrill...... or maybe charge for it could be a way of improving the revenue stream masked orgies and perhaps a spot the ball competion on some of the pics lol
Hope this is not turning into another mod bashing thread and no before anyone says i am not brown nosing the mods. I think they do their job as best as they can and we have to stop and think do some of us have an issue with the mods because we are jealous of their role? Not many memebers know i applied to be a mod once, no i didnt make it but thats because i am a bold girl lol but i dont hold it against them. But if i owned this site i would give myself a pink star and all the meow i could ever want lol Great points made in this thread by sean and legz, made me rethink some of my veiws, and delighted to see admin reply to a thread. Now back to my takeover plans and dreams of that pink star lol
Quote by ravenfire
Hope this is not turning into another mod bashing thread and no before anyone says i am not brown nosing the mods. I think they do their job as best as they can and we have to stop and think do some of us have an issue with the mods because we are jealous of their role? Not many memebers know i applied to be a mod once, no i didnt make it but thats because i am a bold girl lol but i dont hold it against them. But if i owned this site i would give myself a pink star and all the meow i could ever want lol
Great points made in this thread by sean and legz, made me rethink some of my veiws, and delighted to see admin reply to a thread.
Now back to my takeover plans and dreams of that pink star lol

Can I have a purple one please?
I would inflate the number of users artifically, float it on the stock exchange, sell when the shares went up and run off to some country which has no extradition treaty oh and perhaps have the company of one or 2 of the sexier female members with me. What do u mean its been done........... oh right!!!!
Quote by midnightchat

Can I have a purple one please?

Oh that would be pretty too lol
Well I didnt post so people could say whether they agreed or disagreed with my post. It was just me saying how I would run it. I wasnt looking for approval. Im not a lobbyist and if I wanted things to change to the way I would manage the site then I'd have added a poll (another great feature here). Maybe should have read over the post before publishing, can see where the targets for mods part got to people, however I did mistakenly forget to add that there would be some type of financial incentive for Moderators once post tax profits were calculated at the end of a fiscal year. It wouldnt be in any way substantial, however it would come at Xmas and may have come in handy that time of year. Ok what point is next? Ah Worship darling smile We are here almost 6 years as we signed up the 2nd week of Nov 2006, now with a break of almost 6 months recently, and minus the three months from this date to Nov 2012 would bring us to years?? But for you honey I'll round it down to 5 years. I'd always give you a discount ;) passionkiss Worsh in 2006 we were dealing with architects, Pcounty council planners, planning a wedding & honeymoon, having our house built (Which we overseen ourselves and which was a huge undertaking) & getting used to the good life so we didnt spend a whole lot of time in chat back then (But there were no mods back then and the place was kinda like WW3 so we didnt log on so much). I have already responded to Sigmund's assesment so I wont cover that again. Great to see Admin come into forums. Although I'll be honest, when I seen his Avatar below the post I was currently reading - I got that rabbit in headlights feeling. Thankfully that subsided very quickly after reading his post. My initial post was simply asking what you would keep/change if you owned the website. It was stated clearly. I really dont see why people got so angry. I wasnt looking for change, but rather stating what I would change & keep. To those who came up with some great ideas such as I/M's, Blocking features, Sticky Notes, and other great ideas, well I thank you so much for realising what the thread was supposed to be. Its about time threads stopped heading in a direction they werent supposed to go, and for threads to stay on topic. Im not starting anymore threads, it seems I can rub a lot up the wrong way with my posts, even if its not intended it still seems to happen. So I think from now on in order to keep people from raising their blood pressure, I shall stick to the Today's Tunes & Word Assoc type threads and leave the more contentious, controversial & flammable threads to others. But hey, I am looking forward to seeing more of Jonny99 in here. Some of his posts are hilarious :thumbup: Peace & love people, peace & love :rose:
One thing I'd like to see added is a group email feature from your Mailbox, the same way outlook works.... For anyone organizing a party / Meet & Greet privately I think it would be a great to have. I am looking at having my own party soon and Approx 40 emails will need to be sent, ideally I should be able to draft up one email and put everyone's username into the To section and it sends.... Surely this is a simple fix? Dynamo
Quote by dynamoloco
One thing I'd like to see added is a group email feature from your Mailbox, the same way outlook works....
For anyone organizing a party / Meet & Greet privately I think it would be a great to have.
I am looking at having my own party soon and Approx 40 emails will need to be sent, ideally I should be able to draft up one email and put everyone's username into the To section and it sends....
Surely this is a simple fix?

There has been a number of changes suggested to the Party section but you can group email from it already. you can set up lists of people in it where you can send emails. Things like pictures and proper formatting have also been suggested but there are a number of bugs in it that need to be sorted so its going to be a work in progress for a while i am sure.
Give me a shout when u see me in chat and i will talk you through the process.
Quote by roxyxxx
hmmmm if I were the owner of S4I
2.) Would love an instant messaging system that meant you could chat to friends without logging into chat room.

This actually exists on the Australian version of this site, but for some reason it's really annoying to use - we'd always just end up going over to normal chat.
Quote by midnightchat
In an ideal world I would like a personal note facility, where you could tag a virtual 'post-it' note to a profile. This note would be visible only to yourself but would be invaluable to a prolific chatter like myself for keeping up. You could keep information on it that you feel you want to log e.g. Lovely couple - keep an eye out for them at the meet 'n greet. I'm afraid at my busier chat periods here I do tend to mix up user names or information that they've told me.

+1000 lol
Quote by Legz
1. I'd like a 'complete' block button that would block out members from viewing my chat and me viewing theirs, from viewing cams and vice versa. In fact, when I click 'block' on a certain member they can't see me at all throughout the site and vice versa!

+1001 :lol:
It's such a pain when you block someone in chat, and then you can't manually block them from sending you mails/gallery invites - you HAVE to wait for them to mail you first as there's no 'add user' facility for the ignore list.
And then even if you block them from mails/chat they can still friend request you to high heaven... rolleyes Also I've had some really abusive whispers from people who are then all smiles and kisses in main chat - it really deters me from using it.
I'm in two minds about the forum thing - as it definitely played a part in why I joined this site as opposed to others, as I could see there were lots of active members. Maybe a good compromise would be to have the thread list for each forum section public, but that you could only click in and read the details if you're an actual member.
Few suggestions:
Ability to approve comments/verifications
I know you can delete comments - but the trail of them in activity feeds and stuff still remains. Also I've been in the situation where someone has member verified me and I've never even spoken to them in my life, but I can't get rid of it sad
Authorise whispers in tabs
I've tried to use the authorise whispers feature, but it's nearly impossible if I'm already in one or two whispers as main chat moves so fast. Would be much easier if every authorisation popped up in a new tab. Also friends should be automatically authorised (if they're not already).
Add block/ignore to friend requests
So as I mentioned above, at the moment you can remove a friend request - but even after you do this they can keep sending you as many requests as they like...
Change default for newly uploaded photos to private
Thankfully this hasn't happened to me - but I've known more than one person who has accidentally put private pics public... and looking at the Gallery there seems to be an awful lot of newbies who aren't aware of this...
Having read through the comments in relation to improvements, i have seen many ppl saying in main chat that they would like it to slow down, this is obvious when the room is full and some topic is being discussed by more than a few. Maybe a pause button or slow button might work.
i wud remove posts that are out of date on lets meet up if someone has a meet for the 4th and its now the 5th that they can be removed by admin or the person that posted it ...just an idea for bit of housekeeping....Mr Grey room far to busy with the increased numbers particularly at weekends ...but feck it more the merrier lol.....Jilly
I would like to echo what jack jolly said. I have just seen a reply to a post from 2007 in Jan of this year.
Quote by JackNJilly
i wud remove posts that are out of date on lets meet up if someone has a meet for the 4th and its now the 5th that they can be removed by admin or the person that posted it ...just an idea for bit of housekeeping....Mr Grey room far to busy with the increased numbers particularly at weekends ...but feck it more the merrier lol.....Jilly

100% agree about old posts and would include anythings goes in that too.