If only i had more beer in the fridge:beer:
If only Mrs M did not look so hot all the time I could get some work done around this house.
If only the battery was not flat there would be some afternoon delight
If only money grew on trees
If only it didn't rain on your day off ..
If only ever day could be as special as today.
....I had the alarm turned off and it didn't wake me at this morning :cry:
miles where a lot shorter..........................
in-laws could be exchanged.
:giggle:your mother in law had balls .. she would be your father in law
I had a maid to do all the house work lol
some people thought before they spoke
i cud clone myself i might have a fecking work
aww mark it could be worser... ya might not have a job :therethere:
not a bad taught rite now 39 hrs since tues morn back up at 5 for another day of fun
lol have 2 drive donegal and back on sat for a months mass. sunday sleeping ahh
Feck sake :doh: i give up so :lol2:
goodnight star sleep well i will. god loves a tryer
If only money grew on trees....i would own a big forest lol
if only i went to bed earlier ...
:giggle:If only I didnt have to get up at am
if only i did not live so far away from good friends
well said bonny you both truely are our best friends
If only I could.....take away my loved ones
pain and sorrow :cry: