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guys wanking on cam in main chatrooms

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Forum Virgin
Hi guys just an issue which, well has bothered me for last 2yrs here. Its males wanking on cam in the main chatroom. I'm sick of it, on any given day there could be up2 seven males wanking on cam under some bizzare assumption women are interested in seeing this. Now I know there is no rules against this but I think there should be for this following reason: It is hard enough on here for genuine single males who are interested in chatting on cam to find any women or couples who will give them time of day,when a couple or female come into 'the beach bar' or 'newbies' room they see several male camera icons in the top right which I reckon two of which are genuine chattters,but the guys cams arent even viewed because the female assumes their just 'wankers' excuse the pun. I suggest designating these wank cams to other rooms with either this activity in the title or just smaller rooms and keep the main rooms free for the majority of people who just wanna chat and meet new people. Any other suggestion??
Master of Sex
fuck sake were adults were not in school now worship this is totally up too the individual,one wonders would ya complain if there was a couple doing a live show you :doggy: dont have to view cams.:undecided: cock cams dont do it for me, but i do perv now and again innocent theres enough rules here if people just obey them all would be a happy place:laughabove:.if ya want to open a room your self no cock cams allowed ya can do it. guess we know ya must look toooooo to know what these individuals are up too:whistling:
I agree - to a degree - with ILuvLamp.
Those who want to cam - should have a separate room, where those who want to view can do so.
This would avoid the current situation of the main chatroom becoming a cesspit of crude, rude and lewd comments from viewers - along with the 'not allowed' directors - who think they have the right to demand what the cammers should show.
I often go to a quieter room to avoid this schoolyard behaviour - because I use a 'chatroom' to chat.
I chat on main room chat, I am a chatter who also whispers, I watch the wank cameras. Please tell me which room you would rather I went to since I am not supposed to be on Newbies or the Beach?
Admin recently altered the set up of the site to extend the available cams,,,,,what people do on them is their affair as long as it does not breach site rules. If you dont like,,,DONT LOOK !!!!
I'm agree with Bongo. If you don't like it , don't look !! As a regular cammer and someone who views cams I don't mind the wank cams and believe we all cam for our own reasons. I do it for my own pleasure and if anyone else gets pleasure out of it well that's a bonus. I wonder if we had 5 plus ladies or couples bearing their sexual organ's on cam every day would people be complaining ?
Forum Virgin
i agree maybe banning wank cam outright from main rooms is a bit militant...but ''if u dont like,dont look'' is exactly my point before long or maybe has already happened alot of females who dont like 'wank cam' will stop clicking on cams altogether thus ignoring genuine regards to 'would people be complaining if couples were havin sex' 24/7 on cam my answer would be yes!!! Alot of females on cam who r just there to chat would be complaining about being hounded to 'perform' like the rest of the women on cam havin sex and maybe wouldn't be so comfortable to go on cam again...if there was four couple cams or single fems on...and you were the only one just chatting not showing could u honestly say u wouldnt be hounded?? thanks to every1 for ur replies...tis a good debate if nothing else ;) lol
Quote by user=iluvlamp
maybe has already happened alot of females who dont like 'wank cam' will stop clicking on cams altogether thus ignoring genuine guys.

Who are these maybe females who don't turn on cams at all now? Or is this hypothetical. I think that us females would sometimes be credited with being a little more sensitive than we actually are...........
Warming the Bed
I dont agree totally with Iluvlamp as i think its ur right to do what u want to do on cam. but his statement.... "Alot of females on cam who r just there to chat would be complaining about being hounded to 'perform' like the rest of the women on cam havin sex and maybe wouldn't be so comfortable to go on cam again..!" ...rings so true. I remember last year being on cam chatting to a few - iluvlamp included -and the banter was fantastic - when on another cam there was a girl playing with herself. Within a few minutes i was bombarded with "ha ha uve got competition from xxxx on her cam - why dont u do to urself what shes doing - maybe more guys would look at you then" Now i didnt have a problem with what she was doing - but i dont want to be hounded into doing it as well. He picked on the wrong girl i might add as i replied with a few comments he left the room :giggle: but i can imagine it turning off a new female from camming again Dont think there is a solution to this thou - its always going to be here - and if ur in a conversation with a few people - why not open ur own room and clearly state what is and isnt allowed in it ???
smileThat very well may be the solution there all-attitude,if ppl don't like whats on the cams and want to chat , perhaps open rooms with the name , "Chat" maybe? somthing like that. My own opinion would be if you don't like the cams don't watch them, the cams have been responsible for many new members to the site, good bad and indifferent, but , definitely made the site more popular, and have made the site more fun for lots of ppl. As regards males not getting their cams watched because theres 2 many men enjoying themselves on cams??? it takes 2 seconds to click on a cam, decide if u wanna view it and click off if u don't. This is ultimitly a swing site, so ,,,,, theres always going to be a more adult nature to the rooms,I myself would hate to have anyone feel bad bout going on cam,and doing what ever they want once it doesnt breach the aup or site rules. Its a swing site, where the ultimate reason to be here, is usually meeting ppl for sex,,,,, lets not get too puritanical about it.
Quote by user=vanity
fuck sake were adults were not in school now :wor dont have to view cams.:undecided: cock cams dont do it for me, but i do perv now and again innocent theres enough rules here if people just obey them all would be a happy place: ya want to open a room your self no cock cams allowed ya can do it. guess we know ya must look toooooo to know what these individuals are up too:whistling:

you cannot open a room and dictate the what happens in that room. so even if u open a room that says "no cock cam" in the title it is against the rules of the site to enforce the expulsion of a user who decides to put their cock on cam.
personally i like watching hot guys wanking on cam, remember this is a sex site. maybe we should make it so only attractive men with big cocks are allowed to wank on cam
Sex God
Different strokes for different folks! If guys want to want on cam ..why not?? If women want to play themselves ..why not?? If a couple want to play and cam..why not?? If anyone has a problem with that, then simply ignore the cammers,and get on with chatting, if you are getting hassled yourself for not camming, speak up as All-Attitude did.. Guys having a good toss on cam doesn't bother me in the slightest, and I would question my own sanity if it put me off other guys, and to be honest I feel it is a tad insulting to say that guys who cam are not genuine, does that include the male from a couple with his butt in the air during a hot session with his partner???
We don`t really view males cams often as most of the time they are :wank: or the cam is focused on their keyboard:haha:. But we do take a peek sometimes and have seen some big boys:eeek: The cams are there if you want to look, and we have to say fair play to anyone who goes on cam, it takes some balls:haha: