Oh God this budget is worse than I thought. Ding on public transport. Whatever next? And what hope is there for us on dns?:doh:
I once called a teacher "dad" in class back in 1st year. Never lived that down till I left school :-o
I've had so many embarrassing moments I could fill a whole thread!!!
Most of mine are due to my total lack of balance and natural clumsiness. Most recent one I popped out to grab a sandwich for lunch in the coffee shop near my work. The building is surrounded by glass Walls with two glass doors. For some bizarre reason they alternate which is used as a door and which is kept closed. Anyhoo the coffee shop was packed, ordered my sambo and was waiting for my coffee so I meant against the glass wall or what I thought was the wall only it was the door and I fell through and landed on my ass....... Totally mortified!!!
love the tread vanity well they do love duracell bunnie, well here are two of our embarrasing moments the boss and i had a meet in a hotel one night with a single female, well all was arranged time and place so off we went only to discover when we got there it was one of my exs from my teens it was funny but what a night the boss and the ex got on great.
Another was even closer to home it ended up it was our next door neighbour and we still are friends
was standing at pedestrian crossing waiting for lights to change and caught out of the corner of my eye what i thought was a bin proceeded to put some rubbish i had in my hand into it only to discover to late it was an old dears shopping bag on wheels she was not impressed