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Just wondering if any mods can confirm this. I was talking today with a member of the site who I trust and that member told me that moderators have access to members private galleries and also members mails both sent and received. Is this true? The pics i dont care about as mods have to approve all submitted pics anyway but I would be quite worried if mods can read correspondance between members. Hey Im not saying it's true and I dont wish to start a rumour but its what Ive been told and to be fair Im quite worried that mods would be able to read our private mail. I would be of the opinion that admin has access to mails and thats fine they own the site but mods would be a different kettle of fish altogether. So is what Ive been told today the truth? Mails? Private galleries? Thanks
Not true.... yes we see your pics because we approve them which I am sure you are happy about as they are on your profile quite quickly. WE DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO MAILS!!!! In the event of a dispute or complaint being received by a mod anything of this nature has be referred to admin for them to review and if the matter is deemed suitable for mods to deal with it is then referred to us to conclude or else if not within our remit admin deal with it themselves. The fact that some matters cannot be dealt with immediately re-inforces this fact. ....... at no time can we or would we want to access people's personal correspondence, as a site user I would be uncomfortable with this myself even as a mod. And while I am at it I'll dispel another rumour....... we do not sit hunched over our screens giggling amongst ourselves at other chatters whispers, chat logs themselves are only available to admin as is any sensitive or private information. This is why a mod would want any person with a complaint to copy and paste the text to them there and then so we can deal with the matter immediately.