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An Open Letter To The Women of Swing4Ireland ...

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You see how easy it can be to please some women?? Pmsl....
Quote by user=CorkHotCpl
You see how easy it can be to please some women??

Refer to new thread:small-print:
Too long to read, brevity isn't your middle name.A long senseless diatribe
Just couldn't bother my arse reading it,,Simple as that.. If I wanted to read a post that long,,I'd get a book,,
PM from addies....
on 25/08/2008 20:17 addiesfun wrote:
I have thrown down the Gauntlet Rebel, as I said in early post I truly admire any woman or man who can stick to their views and back them up..
Uhh gauntlet? Where's the fight? I thought we were supposed to be having a light, semi- serious only discussion! Aii but you're such a feisty one. Haha. *Rawr!!*
That being said, I suppose I will accept your challenge, with a few caveats included.
1)This "gauntlet" will only be taken up/played in semi-seriousness by me, and because of that I expect you to do so as well. And by semi-seriousness, I mean attacks on other people's personalities,characters etc (see below).
2)I do not expect you to understand my wishes or my opinions, but I do indeed expect common courtesy and decency and general respect to prevail. Trying to disprove/dissuade my opinions by trying to deconstruct my sentences or by semantically trying to out think my opinions simply because I do not sound like a 25 year old will not make the essence/gist/strength of my argument any less true.
Quote by user=addiesfun
Well, well The CorkRebel named himself well, fair dues to you on that last post...
Some interesting reading, and yes I agree it is refreshing to discuss topics such as this without a screaming match..
Okay Rebel,your post was duly shown to FB or rather he looked at it from afar..
His intial reaction; Fair fucks to the guy!! But lol....He could have kept it shorter, wrecked his eyes! Anyway he is a few years older than yourself, but agrees, there is not enough communication between sexes..
Included himself in that, however he did raise a valid point, sexual maturity and being able to communicate your wants and desires, developes over a period of years..
Some younger guys and girls, do find it easy, but most gain it through sexual experiences..
He finished up by saying "The Rebel needs a damn good BJ"...

He looked at it from afar? Like telescopically or some shit like that? Hehe. Ok nvm. Work related humor that. I'm sorry that the post was so long. perhaps I should have spaced it all out or something over time haha. In fairness though, the post size is absolutely ridiculous. The need to make it bigger for fucks sake. You admins here this? Make the text size bigger!! And give us the function to edit posts!! Grrr!!!
Tell him that I like the nickname he bequethed to me. The Rebel. Sweeeeet!
Quote by user=addiesfun
Now while I agree with many of your points,I still think A. You would appeal to the younger age group, because they will see you as some sort of sexual maverick..
And B.. All the world loves the eejit..

A sexual maverick? Ahhahahaha. Man... and here I was trying to aim for Sex God. Once again, I seem to have fallen short. Ah well. Sexual maverick will just have to do for now. *does suave debonair pose* .... *crickets chirp* Hahaha.
Once again, what's with the attacks on my personality. Eedjit am I? A bit rich coming from you... you... YOU... asexual prudish amoeboid! *stamps foot theatrically* hahahaha. (On a sidenote, I just realised that by calling you an amoeboid, it sort of makes the asexual redundant... but anyway...) Just kidding. In actuality, your intellect and your will to stick to you guns is a major turn on! I lurbbb intelligent women. Haha. You have to admit though that the "I Tarzan. You Jane. Let's fuck" is like so drab man... Its a pity though that you're taking this a tad bit more serious than you should. You lose like mega brownie points for that doll. So far as I count it its like Rebel= A gadjzillion. Addies= -1. So fun up already! Tsk tsk tsk. Haha.
Quote by user=addiesfun
I am still not convinced you are only 25, your construction of sentences is excellent, then you throw in typos, refering to them, and I think you deliberately spell some words wrong to throw readers of the scent, again if I am wrong I aplogise..

There is an easy way in which to prove that I am indeed 25. You can PM me for my phone number and you can speak to me on the phone. Then I will tell exactly who I am and tell you how you can confirm that. Hehe.
Occam's Razor dictates that the simplest explanation is usually true. Because of this, I will tell you just why you're explanation of me INTENTIONALLY writing and then CREATING errors doesn't sit well. Firstly, its too much bloody trouble to type everything up only to go butchering a couple of seconds later. Secondly, it takes more time to do that as you first have to type it up, then go edit what you wrote. And time is a commodity that I treasure greatly. Thirdly, you're making too many assumptions about the whole thing... namely that I would be bothered to go and do such a thing, and also that you didn't truly consider the simpler explanation: I type fast. REALLY fast. And I do not proof-read what I write. Both of those are much simpler recipes for spelling errors. The speed is a by-product of always having to type the bosses letters etc. Furthermore, it really doesn't sit well that you are judging both my character and opinions based on the way I write. You are essentially calling me a liar by saying that I intentionally am trying to trick people into believing I am younger just so that they would agree with me.
I fail to see why you would want to even enter into a debate with me when you are already determined from the get go to disprove not only my opinions, but when you are already so convinced that I am some sort of charlatan, both in age as well as character? This renders the entire point of the debate...well... pointless!
Thus I will be willing to get into a "debate" with you if you are truly willing to try and dissuade/convince me by expressing your OWN opinions, and not by making statements against my character/personality.
I had a unique childhood/experiences growing up. I read a lot. Even now, I am a voracious reader (when I get the time to do so). I have even considered becoming an author in the future. Fiction only obviously. Perhaps sci-fi/fantasy. Who knows what's around the riverbend eh?
So, I apologize to you if I do not seem to have the average 5th grade reading level that you do *cheeky winks* haha. Just kidding ;)
Quote by user=addiesfun
I don't think at this stage you should change the title, it has thrown up a great debate, and If I was in a pub discussing with you, I imagine the craic would be good...
note on failure..

Nah, if we were in the pub, I'd only have to look into your eyes... and you'd melt. And then your feminist side would come out all guns blazing for that moment of weakness. Even though you'd probably be blushing prettily and secretly enjoying every moment of it! Ah what can I say... it's so hard being me! *looks at nails in boredom* hahaha.
Quote by user=addiesfun
I do not and never have felt a failure,I was refering, to the tone of your original post and the fact you shifted the blame cunningly to the so called fairer sex..
No one imo fails at sex, it is and always will be a learning curve, yes we may regret the person involved, but we still learn from the act itself..

Cunningly? CUNNINGLY? Madam I doth take offense at that! Lol. I Blatantly said it. Sheesh. Get it straight already hahaha. You're absolutely right. for the most part. Unless you're both virgins and and the girl has an imperforate hymen. Trust me... bad... very bad. Hehe. (those need to be surgically removed before a girl can have sex... its the way in which the hymen fuses or sth). It is a learning curve yes.. and furthermore, we are continually learning more and more about ourselves and our partners every time we go at it. But as everybody has varied tastes and ways of getting off, I think I can safely say that it will continue to be a learning curve for the rest of our lives. So I think I'll have to give up aspirations of Sex God. Damn. Still though, if that's true then it will also be true that we will never master sex. We will be lesser or greater masters at it. Never ultimate master. So like Sex God - Level 1. Fight! =)
Quote by user=addiesfun
As for discussing sexual issues online, yes I have been lucky with you, but I prefer to do it in person and private, and have again been lucky to do and share ideas and experiences.

Me too. I guess I prefer to do it in person. Its much better when we can also cancel out misunderstandings from the lack of tonality of speech etc. Would also be good to do on the spot demonstrations of said ideas and experiences... *whistles innocently* What?! Hehehe.
So I hope that these quick replies answer your queries.
Those caveats made... let the games begin! *grins cheekily*
Game set and match to you hunni, I take back all I assumed and claimed in earlier posts, Indeed you are not a 25 year old, younger perhaps? Only a spotty teenager would divulge in public what was sent in private... Over to next poster.........
Quote by user=addiesfun
Game set and match to you hunni,
I take back all I assumed and claimed in earlier posts, Indeed you are not a 25 year old, younger perhaps?
Only a spotty teenager would divulge in public what was sent in private...
Over to next poster.........

This is becoming even more and more amusing as the moments pass.
First you say that I am older, next you say I am younger. Make up your mind.
Next, You're PM was hardly something which would be considered PRIVATE, considering the almost challenging tone all your previous posts have been. That is the reason and the ONLY reason why I considered the PM you sent me as not really containing anything which is "private" in nature.
Still, if you feel affronted, then I spologise for the faux pas.
Furthermore, does the impression of my age also come from the seriousness of the tone of my reply? I get that impression from the fact that you assumed that I was older in my first few posts simply because I was slightly more serious in them. Conversely, when I try to throw a more light hearted attempt at things, and crack some (BAD) humor, you instantaneously assume that I am immature and therefore younger.
Essentially it comes back down to the same thing does it not? The fact that you are trying to "feel" the conversation and base your judgements on said emotional decision. ... Although in fairness, I should refrain from making such sweeping statements about you. I don't know you, and thus cannot make assumptions about your character. To do so would be hypocritical and somewhat of an ananthema to my previous post about character judgements.
Once again, I apologise for posting your PM together with my reply. Its easier to type everything up into Notepad and then cut and paste it all together. Damned browser keeps timing out and I keep having to re-login into the site all the time (which is why i had to retype EVERYTHING in my yesterdays response grrr!)
It is entirely within reason for you to give up this debate now due to my mistake. I freely admit that. I think of this whole banter back and forth as a dance of sorts. Not a mating dance... but merely the coming together and the coalescing/melding of two minds.
Now, within that dance I have taken a miss-step, and trod on your toes. I really feel awful about it and have apologised and apologize again to you.
The ball is now in your court my good woman. You can choose to demure, walk away, and never have the chance of discussing things thus freely again, or you can choose to be gracious, forgive, forget and proceed to sparkle and dazzle me (and all the other men here) with your wit, charm and intellect.
The choice is yours. Either way, I am and will always be truly grateful for all the moments that you spent writing up your replies. They were both enlightening, infuriating, as well as amusing (VERY haha!).
So... what about it then. May I entice you to another proverbial dance? =)
Another intersting post Rebel.. Will return to discuss, only if you drop the god awful Doll, tittering and heehawing like a group of :Legion of Mary women after finding last months copy of Fishermans Weekly complete with competion pics. Don't use references to private mail, IMO your way of calling the brothers to arms, one should never need anyone else to hold your hand in a discussion. Stop using examples such as Tarzan and Jane,with a body like Janes' ,she was hardly sitting on her arse in the hut weaving baskets,, while the aul eejit swung through trees for a living, I imagine she was enertaining guests, and on his return was so satisfied, she managed a seductive afterglow giggle,and, he got a quickie! I aplogise for calling you an eejit, confusion over your age ect..My only explanation for this, see quote re terminology.... and your misguided view that because I took offence at your managing to lay all the blame for your* problems in the bedroom, at the ladies door, I was a Fridgid Feminist. * I use your, as there are many males and females who somehow manage to get it right, so to speak...
lmao spent ages reading this thread and omg need to go and lie down.......................what can i say i have a headache now lol lol lol. come on give it a rest lol love bird you nailed it there hun well done girl!!!!!
:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Pmsl.....
Quote by user=CorkHotCpl
:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

Thought you said you were not going to read this thread:lol2:
Lovebird, I think you'll find your observation a bit premature, Some elements never leave.
I didn't read the tread,,I skipped down to the last ..
Quote by user=CorkHotCpl
I didn't read the tread,,I skipped down to the last ..

Ahh I see narcolepsy...Sorry for your troubleneutral
No need to be sorry for me/us... No troubles here....poke
Quote by user=CorkHotCpl
No need to be sorry for me/us... No troubles here....poke

Last feckin time I try to be pleasant:uhoh:
Jesus I gave up after the third is just too short Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz think of all the people I could of been chatting too instead of reading this :mad: next time try short hand please . Having said that I will read the rest tonight to help me sleep :yawn: :lol2:
Quote by user=dickandjane
Jesus I gave up after the third is just too short Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz think of all the people I could of been chatting too instead of reading this :mad: next time try short hand please .
Having said that I will read the rest tonight to help me sleep :yawn: :lol2:

Rumour has it he is coming back with shorter, condensed version of original, If not I was going to offer to do it for himdunno
Shorter version?? Excellent,,Will have it read before xmas so.... Xmas,,only 16 weeks away..Whooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
Quote by user=CorkHotCpl
Shorter version?? Excellent,,Will have it read before xmas so....
Xmas,,only 16 weeks away..Whooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

If I do it you will read it in five minutes flat!
Christmas 16 weeks? Bollix!!
About time that farce was cancelled!
Agreed!! What's longer now,,the posts,,or the thread??? pmsl...
No idea but here is my shorter version..IMO of course. Stop, look , listen, and learn. Stop thinking you have to be a pornstar, they get paid,mostly to act, unless it is homemade. Look at your sexual partner, partners faces!! It is all there, nothing as erotic as watching someone cum, if from behind do, it infront of a mirror. Listen,If your partner is moaning ,go slow, if they are roaring fuck me hard, fuck them hard! Ask questions? Not during sex, during intervals, was that good, do you like being called durty names? . Learn.. Read more erotica to improve your mind, girls watch more porn, but not to compare, simply to improve visual stimulation, guys read,read , read, book shops are full of erotica!! Phew!
Think I'll have a wank,,Way easier..pmsl........
Addiesfun says:
No idea but here is my shorter version..IMO of course.
Stop, look , listen, and learn.
Stop thinking you have to be a pornstar, they get paid,mostly to act, unless it is homemade.
Look at your sexual partner, partners faces!!
It is all there, nothing as erotic as watching someone cum, if from behind do, it infront of a mirror.
Listen,If your partner is moaning ,go slow, if they are roaring fuck me hard, fuck them hard!
Ask questions? Not during sex, during intervals, was that good, do you like being called durty names? .
Learn.. Read more erotica to improve your mind, girls watch more porn, but not to compare, simply to improve visual stimulation, guys read,read , read, book shops are full of erotica!!
great summary....i agree totally.....the more erotic you make the experience the better the sex the more you learn about what turns you both on.....
my two cents worth anyway
Unless I get any offers,,Has to be my own for now... Not the first time,,and won't be the last!!
Pmsl..That's coz nobody else will do it for me,,,,,,hehehehehe..:wank:
hey cool post I would have to say i agree with alot of what you said (this is female half of cpl here btw lol) Alot of men do like women to take charge a bit of the time... i know my hubby likes when i initiate sex.. Respecting the cock ... oh god ye there is such thing as a bad blow job, men say it all the time either a rushed bj or teeth scrapping of it (if your into that lol) alot of men also dont come thru bjs so that cud be classed as a bad bj... I like a bit of roughness especially thru oral i like to feel a tongue down there ..... Dirty talk doesn't always work thou as sumtimes it just doesnt come out right and then u feel like a thick... I like to see my partner cum... he likes to show me him cuming to or he likes cum all over me shows me i ve done a good job.... lol ye and i agree i think mens bits look better than womens bits down below lol So ye i think it shud be a equal thing... even if ur man starts u cud at least take sum iniaitive and lick and kiss him all over let him lie back and take it while u tease his cock ... simple and not too doiminant but its taking sum of the control lucky what I wont say... I Love when a woman takes the initiative, nothing gets me going more than a woman making her intentions known, not that I am a lazy bugger but something so raw and sexual about a woman telling you'I want it now'. As for the bad Bj's as Jen mentioned, I deffo agree, some women have theyre own method they cant deviate from and it doesnt always work on all guys all of the time. Male33 Made a great point too, commuinication is the key thing, and in fairness only after a few repeat encounters withthe same person do you perfect this..well kinda anyway. Just my thruppence Hay'penny.