Words can never describe our feelings truthfully.
But gestures like this speak louder than words.
For all those we have lost and for all those who have survived
:thumbup: Defeinetly the best thread to be put up :thumbup:
:swingingchair: The up and down club :swingingchair:
Close but no cigar :swingingchair::cheers:
some of them have the syndrome so bad they can see out of their own mouths.:rainbow::rainbow: Might stop them talking all the b--- s---:fuckinghell: they usually come out with though:taz::taz:
:bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce: The cereal killer has left his flakes all over the room and cooridors. Please be carful when you open your box as he may be there dinging away :doh::doh::doh::doh:
We totally agree with baileys Mods are the people that reduce some of the risks for people on the site. Without Mods anyone can do what they like and say what they like to people and go unchallenged. In light of recent events that put a lot of people at risk mods are definetly required. Most people are on this site to enjoy other people and have fun but as always there are some who because they dont like somthing they try destroy for others. So for any one who thinks mods arent required just think about them next time somone is harassing you or being a pest and you ask for a whisper to ask for their help. The mods are there to help and we for one think without mods the cancel account button would be very tempting.:taz:
breasts and down ........