It becomes apparent, yet again that silly season is here with us and the year is but in its infancy.
A number of users of the site are under the illusion they are ‘owed’ something by being members of this colourful ‘lifestyle’!!!!
Most nights in chat there are the moaners, and those of nothing more than a negative disposition that seem to portray nothing but doom and gloom and how their testosterone/oestrogen levels are something they have not yet as adults learned how to control.
The community is just that a community, and its very much apparent that a lot of users seem to take an unwarranted pleasure in finding out what everyone has been up to and what is the latest ‘scandal’ they can chinwag about amongst so called ‘friends’. Why anyone would need to single out individuals or groups of people and get their so called kicks from chatting about what is in reality is none of their business and why they assume they are ‘owed’ something just because they are not in the so called loop, like all of these sites, the moaners, maulers, molesters and the good old fashioned morons will always find their way in, how far in they get is down to who they meet, but would like to believe that like stays with like,
Life owes no one anything, you get out of it, what you are prepared to put in to it, If something doesn’t concern you personally is it too much to ask ….. Mind Your Own Fooking Business ………not something nice to have said to you directly, but before we have the cyber politicians standing up for the right of all and sundry, just best to let it be known, there is and always will be the ‘groomers’ and the vindictive a/holes on these sites who are looking to create animosity or for the good old leg over for no one’s benefit other than their own!!
The site has a list of rules which are there to make the site a more accessible friendlier community, they are there for everyone, and strange that there is such a small number of morons who are under the opinion that the whole site is shit, and we’re all a bunch of Nazis, strange in itself that as the numbers grow, these so called righteous opinionated voices are still under the illusion that everyone else is wrong and we should all be doing things THEIR WAY!!!!!!
Very Well Put Mr Pink :clap::thumbup:
Zaza hun, not sure where peeps are getting the idea i'm pissed off in posting this, nothing could be further from the truth, but unfortunately there are those out there that are and always will be under the impression they can make others minds up for them, or become an influence on their lives, as far as i'm concerned these same people joined this site so they could enjoy the 'lifestyle' meet likeminded people and enjoy their adult needs.
But apparently the brainwashers, groomers and typical idiots find they have no standing in everyday normal reality and voice their opinions and negativity to others, because they know no better, in the virtual world as it gives them some feeling of 'omnipotence', something of which they wallow in as these are the kind of people who do nothing in the real world other than indugle in their own pessimism.
Swinging is a private thing, enjoyed by varying degrees of people who do so at their own pace, and the point I was trying to get across was if something has nothing to do with them personally, what gives those the right or hearsay to involve themselves in others privacy when they ain't welcome.
Great point Baily's but this type of childish behaviour will not stop as long as there are immature gob-shites on this site. A good friend of ours was the target of rumors last year but is a very strong person who was able to rise above it, sadly others may not be as strong and it could have a very bad effect on them. I just wish people would think before they spread rumors and cause lasting damage to others.
Raven, unfortunately there are members of this site that like to portray a 'holier than thou' persona, they are under the illusion that the things that were said/done by them are total untrue and hearsay and fabricated and these same people are protesting their innocense, that in itself is not what is the worrying factor, the worrying factor is rather than have it dealt with in an arbritrary fashion they have passed on the negativity to others.
Again, let me reiterate, the issue is if its site related, the site will investigate it and deal with it appropriately, but still very strange with so many people joining and using the site, that its very much a small minority of people who find some kind of warped pleasure of expressing how the site has treated them wrongly while others have expressed their pleasure and satisfaction of how the site is run and maintained, not only by the admin staff but the mod team that give a lot of their personal time to ensure that the site is pleasant and welcoming.
you can have a 100 people in a room, but it only takes one idiot to spoil the fun for everyone!!!!
zaza hun, thanks for your concerns, but no need to worry honey xxxxxxxxxxxx
Am a firm believer in whatever you put out in this life you get back. Why bother with negativity because then all that happens then is negativity comes back and bites you in the arse.. Whatever happens in ones personal life is just that ones personal life and as far as we are concerned should stay there. If the site isnt working for you then simple .........leave .....or do something to change your outlook.....after all no one is forcing anyone to stay on the site if they arent happy......but some people just like a good moan and unfortunately there is nothing one can do about that.......good points raised baileys and a good thread
well said Baileys, excellent post!!
Just because someone has an opion about the site that is different doesn't make them a moron. People are entailed to have their views and to express them unless they are being abuse to people of course and no one wants that to happen on here. If I am having a discussion on something I don't say to the other person "you're stupid" or you must be wrong for having an opion on topic x y or z I say "you're entitled to your opion and I am equally entitled to mine"
Stig11, somehow you've managed to deviate from the posting.
The thread is aimed at certain meddlers who take it on themselves to involve themselves in others business, private lives or goings on, very little or anything talked about of their own personal exploits in the community, but they still wallow in so called scandal or gossip that they can reap from others.
I choose to call them morons, because in my opinion those who are moreso interested in the goings on of other site members other than themselves are just that. They are here for their own personal reasons and if I was being totally honest, they would prob be down the local chatting with all their friends about the latest gossip and scandal, but I get the feeling these people can normally be found sitting in the corner all on their own!
And don't worry, the groomers, meddlers and yarn spinners have all made themselves known on the site in some form or manner, there is quite a few members that have learned to trust those from the lifestyle, and what goes round comes round ;)
Let me reiterate again the point that is trying to be made here, meddlers ain't liked in any walk of life, why should they be entertained on a swing site?