:welcome::wave2::karaoke::violin:hhhmm!!???how about,,i want your sex,,by that great hasbeen, george michael!!:wank::moon::crazy:
:evil2::crazy:hiya shaven!!never knew you were a skifi fan!!the movie is armageggion,,,and was said by steve buschemi!!,,not one of bruce willis best movies!!:notes::smug::doh:
:welcome::wave2::karaoke::violin:its got to be,,downtown!!,,by the brilliant , but very old!! petulia clark!!:giggle::boo::thumbup:
:P:thrilled::welcome:hiya photo, this is a good thread for films buffs!!that quote is from one of my fav films,,,short circuit!!jonny 5 says it!!:thumbup::doh: do ya feel lucky, well, do ya,punk!!??