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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 50


Posted: 27/07/2008 11:08 right - me and smileynat - being moderators - decided to go out on the town and recruit members for the sight but we got a bit worse for wear and recruited the wrong type of member - although he was well hung dont know if this is the member admin wants on here.,. west theres more naughty pics on me profile hun .....pmsl
:inlove::eeeksurprisedmg west i wasnt gettin it on ......i only had me tounge in his mouth::censored::lickface: i told ya im a good girl:inlove: oh yeah and i dont think blonde is your colour somehow ...:giggle:bolt
:smile2:I took it down west hun i didt like it up here sorry :undecidedmadxxxxxx and as for the rest of the pics ...........They aint for your eyes ....pmslsillyhwoar:
:angel:i plead the 5th:small-print: ........i was innocent ffs ......hahaha ....yeah right ....bolt
No need 4 the apologies hun xxxxxxxxx
Quote by user=westside
In a thread below i jumped the gun with regards to my wondering who a certain woman that said mods whisper without asking.I based this on three women from dub ,since the guy is from Dub, that i whispered without asking lately.
I apologies to all three and its my bad for jumping the gun.
Live4, smiley and slightly im very sorry for doing this and that is all i can say at the end of the day.