Hey all, a discussion came up in work today about a blowjob being a blowjob... good bad or indifferent your getting your cock sucked.. It's all gravy.
Then the question arose is a blowjob a blowjob no matter who's giving it..
The general consensus was no, only from a female (narrow minded!) with one or two saying if they were really drunk, no one knew, yada yada..
So whats the opinion on S4I??
damn why cant i live in Cork
Hey all!!
I'm wondering what's the best way to get totally smooth down bellow!? I shave my cock & balls with a Mach3 but want to do ass too... Di I just need to be double jointed or can you use hair removal cream...?!
I was watching this
now crave to be smooth!
I'll get the ball rolling myself..I was 3 years ago, this girl I was meeting asked me as I was about to cum in her mouth during a blowjob to cum on her tits & lick it off while still hot.... needless to say I did in a flash & quite enjoyed it!
Hey all....
Just wonderin how "up for it" we really are...
What's the freakiest thing you've been asked to do during sex or while posing for a video or pictures....??
you dont be long cumming once ya gettin it done!! :grin:
hey, anyone up for swappin pictures, I'm submissive & not easily shocked! Have a look at my profile & get in touch!
hey, anyone up for swappin pictures, I'm submissive & not easily shocked! Have a look at my profile & get in touch!
Sounds fun, mail me with more info!