Quote by Tinydelight
Cases of Anal Cancer are on the rise due to HPV in men and in women. This is also a well known factor in the cause of Cervical cancer in women. So it's not only a HIV issue. You have to look after your sexual health. Ladies I hope your pap smears are all up to date and yes ask for an anal pap if you are indulging and enjoying anal play. Be very transparent when visiting your clinic, doctor or nurse, there is nothing they haven't heard before. To think barebacking is not happening between members on this site is very naive. I was really saddened to see no condom being used last night too.
Quote by Bedtimebaby
As a child I was teased , tormented , punished even shunned for my faults , inabilities , limitations , differences and inabilities ….. As an adult I have learned , patents , tolerance , forgiveness and acceptance of who I am now , Some will correct me if I am wrong , some will tease relentlessly , Some judge me and others judge will be judged . Those who know me will just except me as I am and the ones who want to get to know you will learn to over come and to tolerate my differences if they want to take the time to learn that intelligence is not just the written word its the meaning behind the words , the reason for the words and not the words alone , anyone can string a sentence together , but not everyone can make a sentence make since .
Stop over thinking the differences and start with the person not there faults .You cant read a book without getting past the cover no more than you can get to know a person from a few printed words .