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Tattoo's and related body modifications. I'm asked on a regular bases various questions once I explain what I do for a living. Some are the usual, some are odd to say the least. Here are a few samples of what I get and how I answer. Do tattoos hurt? No they don't. They only hurt when your having them done. After that no. Did your tattoos hurt? No I went for the custom option. I had kittens lick them on. Tickled at first but I'm glad I ponied up the extra cash. Ever tattoo someone famous? Yes. I once tattooed Louis Walsh's face on someone's arse. He was winking. Ever do a tattoo that made you feel uncomfortable? Yes. I get lots of people asking me to do football logos. Liverpool football club, LFC. Manchester United football club, MUFC. A guy asked me to do Coventry United Netball Team on his arm. I didn't. Okay so that last bit is made up. Where's the oddest place you've ever been asked to tattoo someone? Mullingar. Ever refused to do a sitting? Yes. Lots of times. It's nearly always because of alcohol has been taken. Them not me. Read my profile. You'll get the idea. I want to get a tattoo but don't know what to get. Any ideas? Yes. Don't get one. Your not ready mate. Here's some tips. Go the a parlour. Pick a nice design. Take a photo of it and go home. Wait for at least a month then if you still adore it get it. On the day turn up fresh and early. Bring something to read. Not all tattooists can multi task so a chat about life and shit might be off the cards. Bring a soft drink or two. Nothing diet. Sugar helps if you start to feel a bit sick. Don't be embarrassed to ask for a break. But do be warned. Skin gets tender after a break so a painful restart is in your future. Last but not least. Take care of your latest piece of art. Show it off as much as you like. Unless its somewhere private. Then don't show it off as often as you like. That shit will end in court. Chromie.
The above is of course a humorous stab at my chosen trade. Take it light hearted as it was meant.
Love this post. Some tatts hurt like hell to get, the most painful to date was my last on my inner wrist, but the wipe down is heaven lol,i have found when i have had some of my tatts pain after is not the issue but more the itch..nothing a nice wash doesnt sort out or putting light pressure on the skin. Can you give me the address of those kittens please lol No comment on louis wink I had to go for a republican tatt at the crack of dawn due to the artist only doing me a favor as they dont like to do that kind for the general public as a lot of gobshites who think they are hard men if they get one. I agree with you on alcohol, i would never dream of getting inked with drink on me and i have great respect for artist`s who wont touch anyone with booze on board. Totally agree if you dont know what you want dont get one...too many people do this and regret it. I have never had to wait to know if i got the right design, i went with an idea in mind and could always come up with something with the artist`s help. But i would say be careful getting names, i got a name but was lucky the coverup only took small flowers. Agree about the multi tasking as some of the details the artist needs to do take a lot of concentration, i have been lucky and my artists have chatted the whole time. And oh god yes bring a drink or some hard sweets. My longest piece took nearly eight hours on my back, a lot of shading ect, i would give birth with no drugs quicker than the pain of that tatt but it was the artist that needed a break and yeah your soooo right it is worse when it starts again lol. You do need to mind your tatt, its on you for life and care is needed with them, so should i stop flashing my tits????