why don't u just give her a call?????
on my back, guy or gal between my thighs, my clit in his, her or their mouth/s :thrilled:
other than "Jesus, ;)
ever said no and meant yes...
yes... made me gag, but didn't distract the sexy lady eating my pussy, mmmmmm..
is mmf better than ffm?
97% Less Selfish and 97% More Selfless
let's not be gender specific here!!!!... personally, cut's good for penetration but luv to play with a pliable uncut one ;)
bottom... with a twist... :devil:
Slightly..... Absolutely true... It's only weird if i can't open my mind to it... after that so long as it's consensual then it' prefectly normal...
have to reiterate Titan's view...we earn our friends... in many case's friend... but just one TRUE friend is a blessing...
jamiroquai, jackal, jaguar, japan
thought forum meant; debate, discussion and eventual resolution.. not just removal of topic because it doesn't suit everyone.. are members not entitled to, at least, a reason for this decision or is it a case of "our way or no way"..
best for me is a tongue on my clit and the position really doesn't matter, lol...
but... met a man recently who did not like doggie style.. said it did nothing for him.. have to say i was shocked, first time a man ever told me that.. wud luv to know how many more men think the same way????
Don't give this one a miss girls.. Shame it's not me..
A "My Whisperers" list would be good idea where when u get a whisper in chat u get the choice to accept or decline.. once u accept a whisperer they're on ur "My Whisperers" list and can whisper anytime unless u decide to remove them from your "list"
i say why choose if u can have both!!!! :angel::angel: