hi we re couple from waterford wnd we swing when we can, so dont be shy give us a try.
Hi no need to feel awkward , what I look for is the sexiness of the person, at the moment we meet an older couple, he s a bit on the heavy side while she is a bit on the lean side but boy are they real swingers!!! then there is another lady who has had major surgery for all kinds of things and boy is she rearin to go. You know what they say its not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog..
Hi we are a small group of people who meet up about once a month, our group consists of two couples and one woman , we would like to expand our group, so if you would like to join us some time, get in touch. we are about an hour from most majors towns in the south/ sth east.
Interested , more details please