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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 54
0 km · County Mayo


thanks for the compliment dora....a cpl of things to add to my previous post....firstly is that in my experience a man will call a woman a slut if they will sleep with other men but not them, but if they get it as well they probably won't - at least until the liason is terminated. Sour grapes is the phrase that comes to mind there. Also, in my experience women are much more likely to call other women sluts than men. Second thing is this - this isn't an issue about behaviour, it's an issue of social convention and control. Even b4 the Mongol hordes brought penis worship to western europe men have wanted to control womens behaviour (if u have ever watched gorillas in the wild u will see that this behaviour is certainly not restricted to humans, and you can step much further away from our species and still see it in action - cows, sheep, in fact most social animals), but the pagan faith didn't allow for this because it's a matriarchy. With the onset of the Abrahamic faiths (Christianity, Judaeism, and later on Islam) men had a social construction that was based around men. Bear in mind all these religions have codified the subservience of women to men in their teachings. They also all have strict behavioural codes designed to restric the freedom of women. While we live in a society that denies basic parts of the human condition (sexual enjoyment and self-determination) to one part of the population, anyone from the excluded sector is subject to vilification from the main. Anyone who tries to live their life in a way proscribed by societies controling interests (religion in this instance) is likely to be ostracised, harrassed, and abused. cheers Andy
Bah humbug and sweaty bollocks to xmas! (just in case ur wonderin, this is the other half of losmags lol) Just for all u pretend christians out there, xmas decorations should go up on 24th Dec and down on 6th Jan - twelfth night - not up on 6th Dec and down on 24th Jan. And as we r talking christians (yes, we are, it's ostensibly a christian festival, albeit hijacked from the pre-christian tradition) here's a question for you.....if jesus came back to earth tomorrow, how do you think he'd feel about all the crosses you wear? Kinda rubbing it in ain't it? Can you imagine going up to Jackie Onassis and dangling a gold sniper rifle you have on a chain round ur neck in her face? - here's thinking of JFK baby! Do any of u really think he would ever want to see a cross again after some fuckers nailed him to one? Don't even begin to tell me it's a mark of respect - if you wanted to show respect for that sacrifice go out and feed the hungry in the world, clothe the naked, actually give something other than the odd bit of spare change to try and change the way the world is run, not give lip service to the idea of a man who was killed for basically saying lets be nice to one another for a change. Sorry, that's been coming for a while, rant over....for now. Oh yeah, and if what i said offends you - GOOD Andy
well now....andy here....i think respect for someone as a person, a human being, is a necessity no matter what ur relationship is - friend or foe, man or woman, sexual or platonic - and it has to be said that, yes, there are some men on here who are nothing but respectful to the women they encounter on here. Having said that, how does anyone know if that respect is genuine, or a front to get what they want? Now head and make i don't know personally, but seem like reasonable enough chaps to me, and make certainly always gives pretty much everyone the sort of respect i'm talking about (can't say for head, only seen him on chat once), and i can personally assure u all that mr nibs is someone u can trust to respect you, but i know that there are a not-inconsiderable number of men on here who will show that respect only as long as they are getting what they want, or seem likely to, and as soon as that chance goes they can show their true colours. I also think that the fact that the site is moderated, along with the rules set down for the use of the chat rooms, makes it dificult for anyone who isn't prepared to offer that respect to continue using it. Convention makes us all polite when we have to be, it's when we don't that the truth will out. To me a slut isn't about how many men a woman is prepared to sleep with in a given period of time, or how she goes about getting those men, it's about a lack of self-respect, and respect for your partner(s).
:mrgreen:thanks for the offer of assistance dora........hhhmmmmmmm thinks it might take us a while to get through the trunk tho..........confused??: still think we need big men to help........:hunk:
If I find a twenty foot tree do you have someone to chop it down and move it? Big burly lumberjacks with check shirts apply here..........
hhhhmmmm in Monaghan ye say....... Well I haven't seen em yet... off to the shops in a minute, I'll keep me eyes open for em addies.......bolt Jax:smoke::inlove:
:happy:Please keep the hair guys..... When they are shaved I just end up thinkin about that sad lonely scraggy little chicken left on the butchers slab............ Jax:smoke::inlove:
:lick:hhmmmmmmmmm........ Johnny Depp (But only in the character of Jack Sparrow) Jason Mamoa (De big dude with the dreadlocks from Stargate Atlantis) Jim Morrison (If he wasn't deceased of course) Andrew (Freddie) Flintoff (OOOhhhhh those buns in them white trousers when he's running in to bowl:licksmile Oh I think I'd best stop now..........:P Before you sart to think i'm really strange....:grin::haha::huh: Jax:smoke::inlove:
banghead FFS Tussey someone else that hasn't got to grips with the game:banghead: Take one word from previous post........ blah de blah de blah....... Ok - so i'll go with Tussey's leap and go for Welcome to the working week - Elvis Costello
Woman In Love - Barbara Streisand (dont think i've spelt that right)
:Psorry here you go - i'll make it an easier one...:lol2: Black Magic Woman - Fleetwood Mac or Santana Jax:smoke::inlove:
Oh so many songs do it to me.... I'm with Marie partly - Fleet Foxes are a shivery kind of band but its the track Ragged Wood that does it to me. How it Ends - Devotchka Somebody Will Know Someday - Cuby & The Blizzards (in case you're going who the feck - they are a somewhat obscure Dutch 60's band - first wave psychadelic/blues - the vocal on it is just one of the best blues vocals I have found in years! - Only ended up downloading it because I was looking for a track by The Blizzardsmadeye:blink) Tijuana Lady - Gomez I could go on and on and on and on....... If something makes me shiver the first time I hear it, it will have the same effect everytime I listen to it and listen to it I will - over and over again (quite often to Andy's disgust as our musical tastes vary somewhat:lol2smile Jax:inlove::smoke:
hmmmm bi....there wud be room for about 10 people in our house, and that's if we put the dog outside!!! the word shoebox comes to mind lol. andy i started out with nothin and i still got most of it left
well frank, personally i couldn't give a hoot whether ur happy with the replys or not, but the song is wrong...there are thornless roses, and bob dylan has often been proved to be a complete asshole..bolt Andy i started out with nothin and i still got most of it left
well, on the remote chance that we might actually make this one, we'd vote for Galway....been out for a night or 2 there, pubs down shop street are cool. Andy
Ah bonkin....all his "odd" behaviour can be explained very easily...u used the word "husband", so he must be married - i rest my case. andy ps...please note there are no smilies on this post -that's coz i'm not feckin joking.
;)So being curious I had a look on the net and found the following:- When someone says that they are going to see a man about a dog they really mean that they are unwilling to reveal the true nature of their business. The expression comes from the long forgotten 1866 play 'Flying Scud' by a prolific Irish-born playwright of the period named Dion Boucicault. One of the characters uses the words as an excuse to get away from a tricky situation. This character, an eccentric and superannuated old jockey, says: "Excuse me Mr. Quail, I can't stop; I've got to see a man about a dog". This is the only thing that seems to have survived from the play. So there ye go - tis Irish after all........ Jax:inlove::smoke:
biggrinAhhh Make hun - I'm originally from West Bromwich in UK - maybe there's some undiscovered Galway / West Brom connectionmadeye::giggle::huh: Immediate thought - there's a lot of canals in the Midlands which were probably dug for the most part by Irish workers..... if the saying is that old it could have made its way from Galway........... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm more investigation required............. there are people on this site from all over ireland/england/scotland/wales - come on folks how far is the saying known? Jax:inlove::smoke:
Just one more thing...frank, if something is within the rules but you find it distasteful, surely that's your problem...of course u have the right to voice ur opinion in the forums, and in chat, but surely it's not an issue for the mods unless they are breaking the rules? dunno andy
firstly can i say thanx for the "clarification" from admin via aurora, it's nice to see common sense prevailing.boink i gotta say frank i really don't see the issue with a playpen if there were no kids in's the explotation of minors that's the issue there, not whether or not folks have any....but i can kinda see where u r coming from.:yinyang: all i wanted to know was where exactly we all stood, and now i do...that's the important thing. I'd have been equally as happy for admin to ammend the chat room rules to ban animals. :thumbup: Andy
blink I don't know if you have it here - but where I come from there is a phrase peeps use if they don't want to say where they're going (often used by blokes when sneeking of to the pub for a crafty pint. The phrase is "I'm off to see a man about a dog" As I desperately wanted a dog this tormented me for many years as I was always waiting for my dad to come back with a cute little puppy under his arm. Why are parents so cruel...:haha::happy: Jax:inlove::smoke: