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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 50
Christmas Island


Justy wants to further her bi-curious side. Any fems round fri (Kk) to help me and a strapping young male friend further my education... PM me please if your available, verified and interested
Ive noticed recently that people I know from s4i are popping up on my "people you may know" section of Facebook. This bothers me as I dont like aspects of my private life being known by my swing side of life...
Have a brilliant weekend, so upset I can't make it I'm in Galway so close and yet soooooo far :sad: pass on my love sillyassionkiss
Seeing as I missed ur pics I'd say no but ur comments are just making me scream "yes, yes ohhhhhhhhyes!!"
Quote by jacknnora
Ahhhh Na our MrG is a super hot dude and guess what hes a swinger not like that air brushed bloke innocent :whistling: hmmmm Come on our MrG Dorian lol :lol: hes nom nom nom nom nom ;)

Nora he has to prove otherwise to me lol lol
Mr Grey you've been dropped like a hot snot............. move over the new Mr Grey nom nom :eeek::inlove:hump