Yea a great nite thanks I-kandi - can't wait for the next one!
yeah heading down that way aska - see you later :thumbup: :swingingchair:
Lucky vampires I say Eoin! Sure you will be missed but I'll check out the talent for ya for next time!
Not sure about the weird pub aska !?
Escape route planned ... have map, shovel, compass & ready to start digging ... but what if I arrive looking dirty?? :confused:
Will I be allowed in???
Well Cruiser you are 'good looking, smart and very friendly' so I really hope you get granted that last request before the life sentence!!!
I don't think Cork is quite ready for this Eoin ;-)
big thanx for all the offers - I think I have room service sorted but if I get stood up, I'll be updating this post !!!
You won't find a nicer, sexier, funnier, fitter, more genuine guy on this site to have fun with so don't miss the chance!!!
(alas I am heading in the opposite direction again :sad: )
From what I've heard Eoin, Dublin would be in cinders if you'd stayed up there any longer!!!!
Anyone else running in Berlin this w/e?? Or can recommend a good club that would suit a rather straight laced hubby with an über horny wife??!!
Good Evening
Oops Morning
Preview results
Wet Cyclist
Thumbs Up
Mr. Cox
Midlands Wednesday??
:cheers: :thumbup:
Has anyone any suggestions for party theme ?? or will it be up to me to decide ??
cheers eoin
Well Eoin, how about a summer cocktail theme ... I'm thinking Sex on the Beach, Screwdriver, Incredible Hulk, Orgasm, Slippery Nipple, Rusty Nail ... the list goes on and on ... :notes: ... cum as your favourite !! :cheers::haha:
We're here this wk till 29th but we're not under 30 :sad: