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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 62


Hi folks,just wondering is there any nice cheap hotels where couples meet, my partner and i like to try and get away at least once every month and have no idea where people go to meet, its not always about sex, friendship and a few drinks and a bit of craic is good too of course if anything else goes down thats good too, there must be a few couples like us out there, not experienced swingers and a bit shy or at least Mary is, thanks for reading and hope we get some replys, 

hi sham, i guess by the amount of replies u got you don't have any space left ? but if you have i would love to come along [ never been to one ] thanks, rob
Quote by Amberx
Ok here goes.......I'm looking for 3 bi guys, not bi curious but bisexual for a party, within the age of 26-40 and in reasonable shape. (these are preferences of those attending the party also)
I'm not putting a date on this just yet as I've a feeling I've more hope of winning the lotto :lol2:
I now have a definite 1 bi guy, a possible no2 so I'm still looking for number3 biggrin

hi amber, bi guy here, love to join you
Quote by TheRugger
Would love to meet , check my profile
these people charge for sex, be warned