As you most probably know, it is not easy to write something here without sounding either vain, stupid or very average. I dont consider myself to be any one of the of the above and thus making this a hard task. Let me give it to you in short. I'm not going to under estimate your intelligence by stating the obvious i.e. openminded, like having a good time blah blah blah.....I mean really! Important things for you to know is that I shower at least once a day and have more teeth than I have fingers. Ypu should get to know me cos I'm funny (i know cos I often laugh at my own jokes....its sad I know....but i cant help it), ok looking, got a good job (I'd still prefer to win the lotto.....but i can pay the bills and have some money left for SWEETS
Who I'd like to meet:
A good personality and a basic intellect consisting of reading and writing would be great, but not gessentil... if you can spell c-t, you are half way there! I dont expect you to know everyting...but c'on...please have some common intelligence! Then also lets face it, there are alot of weirdo's out there...I'm talking stalker/mental/"two beers short of a fruit salad", if you fall into that category then please move on and collect 200 euro when you pass start! I like friendly people...people that smile alot and see the brighter side of life...thus no Biiiaaaatches! Looks, I'm not going to lie, they are important, but not the be-all and end-all! I'm not shallow (well, not as much as some other guys I know..