Oh I'd like to see that..or even better participate
Quote by midnightchat
I find it in poor taste when someone feels it is necessary to openly correct someone's spelling especially in the chat room. I understand that you may spot mistakes and wonder why the spell check was not used, this is not what I am referring to at all. You may note that business people who deal with text on a daily basis often make quite basic spelling mistakes but this does not detract from their ability to perform at a high level. As long as the gist of what someone wants to say is clear then they are effectively communicating. P.S. American colleges have found that the standard of spelling amongst students is at an all time low; when students are questioned as to why the standard is low they respond that they don't need to be right, spell check will correct them....... I am going to be controversial now and say I find women are better spellers in general.
P.S.S. Spell check informs me Gist is not spelt Jist.......