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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 66
0 km · Limerick


I have read the opinions on both sides of this topic and as a single guy I wanted to have a brief say on it. I think i-kandi certainly have a right to run their business in what ever way they see fit. They have taken a bold step in opening the club in the first place and fair dues to them for that. Customer satisfaction is vital in any business and in a swing club the comfort of customers and a relaxed environment is a key ingredient. From the comments of couples who have been to i-kandi it seems that the management have provided that environment where people can relax and enjoy themselves. It has obviously taken i-kandi a lot of hard work and investment to achieve this and I think they have every right to protect both their own investment and the comfort and security of their customers. Given that respect for other people is such a fundamental element for happy swinging, I think one should also respect the managements right to take what ever precautions they feel necessary to protect the reputation of the club and the comfort of their customers. It only takes one 'idiot' to ruin it for everybody else and I think it is reasonable to expect that i-kandi management to do their best to ensure the continued success of their club. From experience of clubs abroad I know that providing satisfactory ID is a standard requirement and this should be respected in the case of i-kandi also. I see it is no more of an imposition on people, be they male, female or couples, than it is to also ask that they should be clean, tidy, sober, and well presented when visiting the club. Here's hoping that everybody respects each other and the rules...and has a great time !! smile
hmmmmm.......I bet that could be loads of fun alright lol xx T