Thank you ladies for the messages. Dance card filling up nicely xxx
Do you accept people travelling from far away ;-) Sounds like it could be worth the trip :-)
Hi all again,
Still free for Saturday if any old or new friends are free to meet up, Girls only please ;-)
Jim xx
Hey there all,
It has been way too long since i met and played with all my good friends :-)
I will be back for a couple of weeks and plan to be in Dublin from about the 20th to the 25th August.
It would be great to meet up with a few old friends, and naturally new ones (girls only :-)) are welcome too.
Drop me a line on PM or here if you are ready for fun etc...
Why thank you Cork, a welcome home in person would be better :-)
Boobs, excellent, there is always more room for you :-) :-)
Hey there all you beautiful people. I will be home for Easter and beginning with a few days in the West of the country. I have vanilla stuff on the Friday and Sunday but was hoping for some good fun on the Saturday in Sligo or Galway. If any girls who know me are interested, let me know. I AM JIM ;-)
Thanks again for all the PMs on this topic, i look forward to having a busy time with visitors with fun in mind. God i love this life ;-)
open house, come on and enjoy it girls.
ah, thanks guys, on this time around i will just have to enjoy the mental images anf memories :-)
wish i could be there :-)
between us all (and 20 more girls :-)) surely we could organise something, lol
Hey Annie,
Can I come too?
letting your hair down is one of my favorite things to do ;-)
keep in contact and will see closer to the date.
Jim xx
Sounds like a must attend, what with the wonderful Annie in attendance, mmmmmm. count me in. Big Jim
have a great one, you greedy greedy "good girl", brilliant.
great night guys as always. brilliant people, venue and organization. well done, thanks and see you next time. jim.
mmmmmm, sounds dangerous, have fun guys xxxx
Are ye here yet? Are ye here yet?
Great night Ms,
Many congratulations for such a well run event, a brilliant gathering and such a significant contribution to a very worthy cause.
The magical "innocent" touch has struck yet again. Looking forward to the next one already.
Big Jim xxxxxx
mmmmmmmmmmmm, sounds like a little trouble and a whole lot of fun
I'm looking forward to it so much, i hit submit twice, oops, lol
Would love to attend, great idea and sure there might even be a bit of fun too:bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce: