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Over 90 days ago
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Hi, there are still no sponge baths are going down a treat on guys, lets party.
Hi Sean, in order to get an invite or more info, you must be verified on site with some positive comments from other to see you at a party in the near future Rev
Can't believe the Venue will be one year old really goes by hope you guys will come out and make this a party to remember,and if your staying locally ,just give us a call and we will send the limo round for you up until 10pm. The Revolution needs you!! Xx
Hi Guys, its shaping up nicely for Saturday forward o seeing you all at the Venue. Rev x
Hi Guys,Invitations have gone out to everybody on our guest you would like an invite or just want to know more, please message to see you at the club next Saturday night for a naughty night of fun. Rev x
Single guys,I appreciate how difficult it can be to get invited to meet n greets and parties a reason for this and the reason is that there are a lot of messers and disingenuous men that come to parties and ruin the night for people they encounter at the parties with their offensive and inconsiderate guys are sound,but it's the old story of a few rotten apples ruining the you are not verified and absolutely positively commented on,we cannot invite you to our parties,because its just not worth the your genuine and a decent guy,go make the effort to get along to m/gs,meet some people and it will happen eventually..Good things come to those who wait. Rev x
Guys if anybody is interested in displaying Adult erotic art,framed photos or prints at the Venue,we can give you some wall space to display your can attach your contact details to the piece if you wish to sell it or you can leave your details with us and we can give it to interested pieces must be framed and ready to dislay. Were going high brow here at the Venue :-) Rev x
Guys the Revolution is relentless and just keeps rolling every month that passes,the Revolution parties are getting bigger,sexier and party really was very good and it's fair to say that the Venue has been accepted as a clean safe place to come ,relax and have a good time with fellow your thinking about attending a party,just go for it and see for yourself what it's sure you won't be to see you there real soon,and all you potential flashers ,dust down your macs and get your flash on for the 16th:-) Rev x
Heater has been installed in the smoking room along with a couple of blankets for the you like a little blanky Tipp:-)
Hi folks, really looking forward to seeing you all this to get the Swing warmed up again have moved the seating around a little bit downstairs to try and make it easier for people to get chatting to each let us know what you welcome all feedback, positive,negative or otherwise and we take it all on the night if theres somebody you would like me to introduce you to , please do not hesitate to have a word in my happy to help out in almost any way I you dont have an invite and would like one ,please message me with your email address. Rev x
Just speaking with Ginger today and it looks like our next party is shaping up to be a good looking forward to it now,pickin out a few new tunes to get you party people everybody's having a nice start to the New year.x Regards Reverent Bonerpart.x Personal assistant to Revolution.
Calling al fellow Revolutionaries, we must join forces to blow away the January blues,they must not be allowed to make ground on to see you at Revolution HQ, The Venue,where safe Adult fun is always on the menu on Saturday 19th January from 9pm till the Revolution!!! Rev x
Thanks to everybody that attended our kinky Christmas was a great night and pretty wild, for the record,that's not me in the Photo:-) Less grey ,more ginger I think:-) Happy Christmas and a hopefully a fun,happy and healthy new year ahead. Rev x
Hi Jim and Mo,if you would like to be included,please message me privately with your outside email will add you to our guest list and also keep you informed about upcoming events and parties. Revolution
Just checking in is shaping up to be the best party we have hosted at the Venue so response is really positive and the numbers are super realise there were so many naughty people out a man,its heart warming and reassuring to know that there are a lot of really naughty girls out there with nothing but divilment and what can only be described as impure thoughts on their way we have just the place for you and its called The VENUE,Where safe impure fun is top of the menu! Stay in radio contact Over and out. The Rev x
The Venue in Blanch on the way to Dublin Airport is a great ten mins from the Terminal:-). Jus sayin:-)
Boys and Girls,Im just back from visiting Santa at the North pole and he said if you start behaving yourselves between now and Christmas you wont get anything nice from said "he wants to see everybody being really naughty", and he will be keeping a close eye on our party on the said if hes able to dress up in a nice outfit every Christmas that "theres no reason why we all cant make the effort!".Any way Im just passing on his message. Rev x
Hi folks We have sent out a number of invites to gusts that are on our mailing check your inbox or spam folder in case it was you would like an invite or more info, please message us with your email address . Thanks The Rev x The Venue, where safe Adult fun is always on the Menu!
Hi Guys. I am delighted and excited to be teaming up with Ginger Fire to host our first Christmas Party @ The Venue, where safe Adult fun is always on the Menu, in hoping to make it a great night for not a themed party, but its a great opportunity to exorcise those Kinky Christmas Demons that are bursting to get out:-).So dress up,dress down or dress sideways ,but lets make this a kinky Christmas party to gonna be one to tell the grand kids about:-).If you would like an invite or just wanna know more, message either myself or to see you there. The Rev x
Hi Jim Thanks for the you attend a party at the Venue you must be verified as a couple ,as per your that we would be happy to invite you. Regards Revolution x

Guys the Revolution party is a commercial venture held at the Venue from 9pm till 3am.
Entry prices are as follows
Couple €40
Single male €40
Single female €20
Invites have been sent out for this you wish to attend, please message Revolution.
Rev x
Hi Guys,I have sent out some invites for the next revolution party on the 6th you would like an invite ,just send me a message with your emaill address and we will add you to the guest list. The Revolution
Thanks Guys for the really positive response,we have sent out some you havent received one and would like to go, please pm us with an outside email address or email us at **Removed** Thanks The Revolution
Great response so far drinkies has the makings for a fantastic night :swingingchair:
I now have something organised thanks to all you naughty guys for the emails ;)
Hey guys, I'm free tomorrow night if any of you genuine capable guys are up for alot of naughty fun ;) check out my profile and drop me a pm ;)