Hi, my name is rocky. I'm a simple kid with simple dreams. My mother is a biker but i'm... but i'm into the more simple of life's pleasures, like phone sex and masturbation. I'm an explorer of the heart, mind and the soul. I believe a womans should be more than just a man, a WOOOOOmans!
If you'd like i can show you my Muscle Dysmorphia and maybe more lol?:)
If you'd like to meet, i wont be the guy standing in the carpark with a single red rose and a tear in his eye........ i'll be the guy with the Massively Deformed Head tryin his best to keep his balance :(
Here's a pic, but please dont show it to anyone for lolz!
This is me ... this is Rocky.
P.s. the girl in the photograph is a friend, Diane, she's in recovery