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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 40
0 km · Ballygawley


House mate in uni

Caught in the act

Back when I was in uni I shared a house in belfast with 5 other people. I only knew one of them before moving in. I had a gf and she would come down to visit me and stay over 2/3 times a week. One of the girls who lived in the house was quite pretty and I had worked out in a very short time liked male company alot. One night when my gf didn't come down I was lying in my roof half asleep. My house mate came home quite drun...

Sis in law

Sis in law jealous of sis getting some

I'm married now about 10 years. My wife's sister was a year younger than her and before we were married would often go out on nights out in our company. One night around Christmas we had been out and my now wife's mother was away for the nite so the plan was for me to stay the night with my wife at her house. So the 3 of us got home in taxi. We went into the living room and my wife wanted to go bed as she was a bit worse...

Score 16 16
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