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seduce my wife as i watch

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24 replies
10 watchers
mary is 50 size 16 willbe good fun if you can move on her and get her to bed i love to watch her play any takers
im up for that
The question is..... Is Mary up for that???? Jack
jack as you can see dreamer 365 can confirm mary likes to play can you
I'd love to do that!
i be up for that if she can take a young guy?
id really be up for that
hi there thats a serious job,,,,but i suspect i could win her over. love to hear from you
Id be up for that, no problem whatsoever
Hello I just Read You,r Message I would Love to Take Mary to Bed . Please Reply
i have exactly the same fantasy rearding watching my wife but cant get cooperation anymore 55 year old dublin based male here may be willing to assist you watching me strip and maybe spank your wife while you sit and interest in timewasters but you may like to reply

I'd really like this, get back to me!

Hi! Nice to meet you! I’m in Kildare so if you’re available for fun 😊

Hi all, anybody for outdoor stress release session. Charlestown, tubercurry and area?

Quote by Hotgirl86

Hi all, anybody for outdoor stress release session. Charlestown, tubercurry and area?

Don't I wish I lived closer to there....

How far are you ?

Quote by Hotgirl86

How far are you ?

Clare side of Limerick

That is quite far from Mayo

Quote by Hotgirl86

That is quite far from Mayo

Nice drive though, especially for something good

Very true, uou heading this way anytime soon?

Quote by Hotgirl86

Very true, uou heading this way anytime soon?

No plans but it would be worth the drive if I do....

I'd be able offer any help needed if your in the south east

Quote by Hotgirl86

Hi all, anybody for outdoor stress release session. Charlestown, tubercurry and area?

Hey Hotgirl, I'd love to meet up for a stress release session. I'm around Castlebar but vert willing to travel

Hi Hot Girl I’ll Be in either of those 2 tomorrow after lunchtime let me know when and where and we can chat x