ummm :P
I cudn't possibly commit myself to the love of one willy :eeek:
It is so nice that someone loves themselfs so much. You must feel all warm and cosy with your willie lol.
Very catching title on the thread, it made us look and gave us a great laugh, you will do well here.
Busty dont tie yourself down to one willie, when the world has so many to offer:giggle:
Ah feck i didnt even notice his avatar:taz:
Maybe that means it wasnt that noticable:giggle: or i`m just going blind:giggle:
Ah :fuckinghell: thats not fair i really wanted to see yet another cock picture:giggle:
:haha::haha::haha: Ooooo a peek at a willy:haha::haha: i`ve just come over all shy:-o i wouldnt know what a willy looks like:angel: