All sorted for our next the 7th Feb we gonna celebrate Valentines in the Private swingers club THEVENUE.
Lets make it another great night of fun and newbies welcome for a night with no pressure.
We already have few names on the list so please dont leave for to late to get your name down,but please make sure you can attend as we hate to have no show single males dont get in a rush to put your name down if you gonna get cold feet close to the date.
Looking forward for another great night.
J&V xxxxxxxxx
Looking forward to trying a party, please include me,
Guest list fill in very quickly if you interested please contact us soon as you can.
List for single males are full at the moment only few places for couples and you interested please contact us soon as you can.
J&V xx
Last days to put names down for the valentines party in dublin on the 7th Feb.
final details going out Monday.
Have you got room for 2 more please
We would like to try a party thanks
Van / Vanette lol
This is the last weekend to put names only have places for cpls or fem the list for single males are full.
Final details send please check your mail box and reconfirm your attendance
J&V xxxxxx