Only time I'll ever say this....I wish I didnt live in New York City
I have just calculated that the average male would require 6 months intensive training and 11.2 gallons of lucozade sport in order to both satisfy all requirements 100% and survive the room intact...
What's the saying ... Good things come in 3's..
or is that busses ??
Either way some lucky guy has just won the swing4 lotto .....
hi there im actually in kk friday nite im 26and ive pics up lol so if ya like wat ya c lol hopefully il b hearin back
Bless me father for I have sinned!
Hate working early on weekends *sigh*
if only i could make it my heart is broke but im sure ye will carry on without me i will stryggle on here
Wanted to thank all you guys for the mails .Im still laughing here at some of the comments ye put up,We got sorted guys but thank you all so much for the interest xxxxxxxPlay xxxxxxRitz xxxxand kkgirl xxxxxxxxx
Why u didnt send me private!
I have a friend in Carlow he would be up for it;)
looks like i left it a day too late to make me reappearance on here :sad:
wondering was there any report of a man found dead in a hotel the day after lol.
ritzee there is nothing ordinary about you girls, extraordinary maybe but ordinary never :inlove::inlove::inlove:
haha the scissor sisters lol