Hi guys my birthday is coming close so wanna throw a little private party. Will be renting an apartment for the night in the city centre for people to come along to. Numbers for the rooms are max 7 but as people wont be arriving all at once they won't notice people walking straight in and up to the rooms. The apartments have 3 bedrooms, bathroom, living room and kitchen area so lots of room to play. Couples, and single males and females all welcome but will need to keep a good ratio so sorry if I have to turn down a lot of you single guys but unfortunately I know from experience it ain't easy getting invited to things like this with the large amount of requests that go to them.
It will be between 19th and 25th of March most likely the Thursday 22nd. As there are 3 rooms and it sleeps 7 accomm can be offered to some but these numbers will be limited to 7 and if possible some contribution towards the room rental would be asked of those who wish to stay. Just mention it to me when asking about it.