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New Group "Cork Couples Monthly Meet Club"

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Hi all check out our new group "Cork Couples Monthly Meet Club" the aim is to organize a monthly meet in Cork for couples only who are genuine swingers and have photos on their profile. Were still compiling a plan to make the meets as safe and private as possible but the purpose of the night out is to socialize with other couples and arrange fun nights.
not sure if you's know this but i think there's already a group with members who meet up in cork the first friday of every month. All First Friday's i think it's called. I think marieandu4121 looks after it, so you could get in contact with her and she'll let you know all about it.
,,,Your so very right there........But,There's a chance this couple may have attended one of Marie's meets,,and didn't like it? But,Asking for a Group,,for "Couples only" ?? Now,,that's narrowing down your list a bit. What if some single girls wanted to join it?? Hmmm....Anyway.......
hi mr cork well said i not be able to go then xxxxxxxxxxxxxx