Sounds good to me, put my name on the list plz
hiya sham :rose:
"""So that peeps from the site can distinguish themselves from others on the night, I will be asking men and ladies to carry one distinguishing discrete feature on the night, but more about that later"""
sounds very interesting, i'd love to know more!!!
mrsmac :swingingchair::swingingchair::swingingchair::swingingchair:
If its a regular thing would definitely consider
Sign us up
Do we have to carry a newspaper under our arm and a rose in our hat.
Nice to start the weekend off early
L&H xxx
Does a twinkling of an an interest from a single male tickle ur fancy>
i'm up for it man put me down!see u soon!
ya id love to come it wud be my first meet and greet thanks
Thanks again to those that have posted up their interest so far.
Anyone who feels they could do with an early start to the weekend or who's interested in the option of a Thursday night get together, please post or drop me a mail or drop me a whipser in chatroom.
Post early if you can so I can get a decent idea as to whether there's enough of a crew to go for it. These things won't happen wivout the backup, lol.
Have a nice few cpls up for it, need more and single ladies. Not discouraging the lads, but to be a fair night for all the balance needs to be right.
Sham xxx
ye count me in folks luv to come
chat ye soon:bounce:
never been to a meet as the are normally weekends and dont suit me, thursday's do tho! so if there is room id love to cum!
wudnt mind goin if thats ok???
sounds like fun...can I come?
hay sounds good put our name down please xxxxx
probably bit late but would love invite
id love to cum along ,, ill be up in Dublin for that week ,,thanks
Hey Sham - count us in please......definitely interested.