Jingly balls....Jingly Balls....Jingle all the way...oh what fun it is to ride..............

After a small break in October, Mid Weeks Meets is back with a bang...ahem...and raring to go again......

Ahhh yes, now the spirit of Halloween has been circumcised, tis time to whip out yer ding dongs and Swing-a-ling-a ling, swinga linga-ling along to Sham n Eyes Mid Week Meets mng.....
Roast yer chestnuts on an open fire....... and deck yer balls with boughs of holly....brings tears to yer eyes dodn't it :eeek:
If the shops can start chuckin Christmas pud and decorations on the shelves in September
then tis time to kick the Christmas Swingtime off and it might as well be this month
So, if yer interested in kicking the Christmas season off, why not swing along and join us on Thursday November 29th at a central Dublin venue.
Just post yer interest here or mail us directly if you're shy :lol:
That shoulda been exorcised....shouldn't it :doh:

Sham 'n' Eyes