why not celebrate halloween with and get down Naughty style:happy:
This will be our last Meet and Greet of the year! So we hope to see all the sexy peeps getting there name down for this one!
This meet and greet will be a fancy dress night (of course this is optional) you can be as daring as you like :twisted: or not so daring if you like! there will be CASH PRIZE for the best and most origional costume! we are so looking foward to this one, as we are pulling out all the stops and going all out on this night, the venue will be transformed for the night into a haunted scene very Spooky

As useual -
Once you look to go please send us a private mail including a valid mobile and email address.
Please make sure you can turn up before you look to go.
people will be given a personal entry code, please have it with you on the night as entry will be refused.
There will be a cover charge.
There will be drink promotions on the night and finger food.
There will be a raffle on the night with some great prizes.
The venue will be disclosed one week before the event.
We do not want the venue disscussed openly in any way.
If you cannot turn up on the night for any reason(lets face it things can crop up last minute)please contact us asap as we will have a short list and we can offer your place to another person.
This meet and greet has a limted amount of attendees, so first come basis!.
So everybody start the costume shopping,or get creative,lol. this will be, hopefully! our best yet, our last one this year! cannot wait to see friends old and new! :haha: