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Halloween super scarey meet and greet Sat the 2nd of november in limerick city.
why not celebrate halloween with and get down Naughty style:happy:
This will be our last Meet and Greet of the year! So we hope to see all the sexy peeps getting there name down for this one!
This meet and greet will be a fancy dress night (of course this is optional) you can be as daring as you like :twisted: or not so daring if you like! there will be CASH PRIZE for the best and most origional costume! we are so looking foward to this one, as we are pulling out all the stops and going all out on this night, the venue will be transformed for the night into a haunted scene very Spooky evilevil
As useual -
Once you look to go please send us a private mail including a valid mobile and email address.
Please make sure you can turn up before you look to go.
people will be given a personal entry code, please have it with you on the night as entry will be refused.
There will be a cover charge.
There will be drink promotions on the night and finger food.
There will be a raffle on the night with some great prizes.
The venue will be disclosed one week before the event.
We do not want the venue disscussed openly in any way.
If you cannot turn up on the night for any reason(lets face it things can crop up last minute)please contact us asap as we will have a short list and we can offer your place to another person.
This meet and greet has a limted amount of attendees, so first come basis!.
So everybody start the costume shopping,or get creative,lol. this will be, hopefully! our best yet, our last one this year! cannot wait to see friends old and new! :haha:humpwave:beer::inlove::cheers::welcome:drinkies now get those names down, and lets be havin ya !!
let me know if can cum to the party, guaranteed to dress up
pm sent, sooooo looking forward to this one :happy::bounce::bounce:coffee:welcome::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
would love an invite guys thanks lol will send a pm now xx
Hey guys just droppin ye a line, to say wed love an invite to ur m&g... Will send p.m now xxxxxx OP
pm sent xx
Omg the response to this is unbelievable. Looking like this will be an Epic night. Let us just say That if it wasn't for all you Amazing sexy fun Loving incredible peeps these nights would Not happen so big thank you to ye all. :smitten: lol Cannot wait to see all you sexys whoop whoop!
keep the mail coming in peeps the list is getting bigger and bigger each day and don't forget your mobile and email address
Naughties, pm sent. Mr & Mrs Smith madhcool:madhton:
please can i have an invite guy's wink
Looking forward to this. should be epic. you guys always throw a great party. Now the only question is 'What to wear?'
numbers growing fast and don't forget when ye mail us send your mobile and email address.
please can i have a invite thank you sent pm
PM sent - dancing shoes are on!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Hi Guys Sound great and pm sent. Must get organised
Quote by NaughtyDuo
Halloween super scarey meet and greet Sat the 2nd of november in limerick city.
why not celebrate halloween with and get down Naughty style:happy:
This will be our last Meet and Greet of the year! So we hope to see all the sexy peeps getting there name down for this one!
This meet and greet will be a fancy dress night (of course this is optional) you can be as daring as you like :twisted: or not so daring if you like! there will be CASH PRIZE for the best and most origional costume! we are so looking foward to this one, as we are pulling out all the stops and going all out on this night, the venue will be transformed for the night into a haunted scene very Spooky evilevil
As useual -
Once you look to go please send us a private mail including a valid mobile and email address.
Please make sure you can turn up before you look to go.
people will be given a personal entry code, please have it with you on the night as entry will be refused.
There will be a cover charge.
There will be drink promotions on the night and finger food.
There will be a raffle on the night with some great prizes.
The venue will be disclosed one week before the event.
We do not want the venue disscussed openly in any way.
If you cannot turn up on the night for any reason(lets face it things can crop up last minute)please contact us asap as we will have a short list and we can offer your place to another p
So everybody start the costume shopping,or get creative,lol. this will be, hopefully! our best yet, our last one this year! cannot wait to see friends old and new! :haha:humpwave:beer::inlove::cheers::welcome:drinkies now get those names down, and lets be havin ya !!
keep the private mail coming peeps and don't forget to send your number
We'l be there with d broomsticks innocent innocent lol lol well if we get an invite ;) ye have both our mobile numbers and e-mail addie ;) kiss kiss JnN xxxx
oooh mail sent, fingers crossed now to dust off me witches hat and warts lol
Mmmm pm sent :silly::inlove: Costume sorted yippie:bounce:
oh what do I wear. anybody got any ideas for Mr naughty
only a few weeks left to our spooky night of drinks dancing and fun. don't forget there will be a money prize for the best outfit really looking forward to meeting old friends and making new ones
Could think of one or 2 things he cud go as alright innocent hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MrsNaughty u know im stuck for what Jack shud go as, maybe u cud give me an idea or 2 ;) rotflmao innocent
Roll on Sat 4 weeks cant wait innocent drinkies drinkies
Mrs jacknNora your Mr could go as captain cave man or Hugh heffner Mrs naughty can be his playboy bunny lol
Put me down put me down please ;-)
Mr has his costume picked and it's in the post it should look good lol
we have gone over the 250 mark and still more spaces but they will go quick in the next few weeks so get your place