have been on a break for a bit now due to health issues but im going to have to give up for a while......
should i delete my profiles and rejoin next year hopefully?
or leave them way they are and just update it when im ready to return?
please no smart answers..... its a genuine question!
Just take a time out hun... enjoy the break while you can and when you are ready to return, no doubt the queue will have gotten bigger and bigger to attract your attention ;)
get well soon alex, just take a break and dont delete your gr8 profile and lovely pics, let it lie there and just pop in for a look when you feel up to it. xx shaggy t
Just leave it there, get well soon
Hey Ms. Cox
I deleted a few times because I didn't know freezing was an option. I think it's easier to freeze it and come back to it if you want, instead of starting over. Just my opinion. Hope you're ok and take your time getting better!
i agree with NB girl.
i think you should freeze it for a while, perhaps then over time you may consider taking down your profile or leaving it. what ever the decision is, it is right for you.
I, and I think all the members and people running the site, hope you have a fast recovery.
Kind regards
I spend quite a lot of time working abroad so I've been through all of this before as well.
Freezing is the way to go as it maintains your standing and a presence, albeit passive, in the community.
It makes it much easier to get off to a running start if and/or when you return.
Sorry to hear about the health issues and hope you are on the road to recovery!
Yeah no harm leaving it up. Get well soon Alex
leave it up as out of curiosity alone you'll be having a nose every now and then . And if you feel like chat to a few old friends at some stage they will all be here .
Take care
Alex firstly sorry to hear that your under the weather, secondly wishing you a speedy recovery and as for your profile just park it for a bit, if you do decide to delete and come back theres no guarantees your user name would still be available.
Anyway get well soon
thanks all xxx will just pop in and out every now and again so till im back, hopefully xmas xxx see ye soon (ps i miss it so much)