any woman or couple fancy an afternoon meet soon??Dublin area
You might have a bit more luck if you wrote a it more in your post, a lot of ppl wont just meet and fuck
We did too but we are well behaved now :giggle:
suppose i could throw in a cup of coffee!! lol
ah what the hell!!!!! will go the extra mile....and a scone as well!!!!!!
what about the jam and cream for the scone!!!!! lol
i'm sure the cream will be provided:giggle:
double cream??? i do fancy a bit of double.....:giggle:
ok ok..... i will supply everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so any takers!!
Titan... maybe your right!!!!To hell with the tea and scone...................
Oh no, but it's gotta be like the meet Titan described on another thread- where she's got to be waiting on all fours on the bed, ready to be mounted.. arse facing the door so no face contact at all ... go, mount, cum and leave :doggy: :giggle:
sounds good to me!! but how does a women spend a couple of hours on all fours.......:-?
Titan no need for knee pads if the pounding your getting lifts you off the bed:doggy: :evil2:
So double cream is not on offer anymore?
double cream and everything that goes with it still on offer!:smile2:
after all that ,,,,,,, any takers?????