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Cork M&G August 11th

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Hi folks, Were holding a M&G in Cork City to get our area back on the Map lol Date set for August 11th, So would love if ye all could make it. There is only a certain amount of places available, we have a great night assured, can't wait to see ye all... More details as the time gets closer ;) Jack n Nora ;) ;) drinkies :swingingchair: :welcome:
would love an invite please,me like's cork wink :wink:
are we there yet are we there yet .count us in jack and nora we loves goin to cork wink have our plane tickets booked already cant wait :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:bolt:bolt::bolt::bolt::bolt::bolt::bolt:
:bounce: Can we CUM :bounce: Can we CUM :bounce: Can we COME even wink Pretty Please :rose: poke About time ye pair posted this smackbottom passionkiss boink sillyassionkiss:
Hope ye can make room for a quiet Kerryman like myself, promise I will behave ;)
yes please wink :wink: lol :lol: :lol:
Count us in Jack & Nora. but keep yer hands to yerself this time for the love of god lol drinkies :drinkies: :drinkies: :drinkies:
sounds like good nite ,,if were free we would love to go ,:taz:::thrilled: Bobbysgirl xx
Hi guys We would love to go if ye have a place for us?? We promise to be good if ye want us to be :twisted: Dolly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
would love an invite jack and nora pretty please need to check the talent out a bit more drinkies:drinkies::drinkies::drinkies:
mmmmmm dunno really..... it involves crossing da border!!! ah feck it.. you guys came to Kerry so I guess its only fair that we make the return trip!!! Count us in!!!!
WWWhhoooo about bloody time there is one in cork......count me in as is on me home turf lol no traveling this time :bounce: :happy: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Jack n Nora Can i come please please please!!!! J.
If i promise to eat up all my weetabix AND say my prayers every sunday in mass, AND not say bad words like sucking, pulling, squirting, rooting and tearing from now till then....... CAN I CUM????? Please please please??? Ill be a really good girl?????? dunno:dunno::dunno:kiss:kiss::kiss::bounce::bounce::bounce: :inlove::inlove::beer::beer::evil2::evil2::spit::spit:sillyhwoar::swingingchair::swingingchair::thumbup::thumbup:drinkies:drinkies:
about time theres one count me in !
Hey Guys, Keep me in mind please, I've one or two things on in August but I'm pretty sure I'm free that weekend! Would looooooooooooove to go!!! So pick me pick me pick!!!! :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::happy::cheers:drinkies
hi guys....any chance of two wee invites for us country folk ...we dont get out that often and would love a road trip to Cork ...:violin:drinkies:swingingchair:
hi guys.. we are very interesting go to ... we like to get some invitation..thanks very much :thrilled::thrilled:
Hiya I would be very interested in being there , it's about time I got out !!!!
We would love to go lol
well be a shame to miss out on the fun when its on my door step , so mind if i come along :-)
Seeing as this is my home turf, I better make a effort to attent. Hope to see you all there.
i would be very much interested in attending,drinkies:thumbup:
Yet again i cant go ffs have my godsons christening the following day.... gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr someday somwhere it will suit me GT
Hi would love to come if I get an invite ....please
Its looking good folks :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: keep the interest coming whip :whip: :whip: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
Yes brilliant idea guys, not sure if we will make this one yet a few other things on at the same time. Hopefully we will know more soon !
like to catch up with friends, tks Gar