Looking to film/photograph a female playing alone or couple having sex, Strictly for fun, Professional videographer, can provide dvd of final edit
Anywhere in meath louth or dublin
No one interested in this atol ?
Im still interested in doing this if anyone is interested
why would people want to get sum1 to film themselves im sure most can tape there own frills without haveing sumbody drooling over there antics we are not all that gullible tool!!
I wouldnt be drooling over anybodys antics, If requested I woukld delete all footage and give the only copy to the person/persons involved,
I am a videogrpaher but jobs are few and far beetween these days, Wanna try sumthing new with my time
and just lets us know here if he passed or failed Sugarloaf!
Do I really have to answer all those questions ? Just to please you people and show that im not a weirdo
Indeed you do have to answer. Or just mail them to sugerloaf!
me thinks some people have a need to act superior
Think I answered most of Sugarloafs questions in chat
What does it matter whether Protool can answer those questions or not? As an AV pro myself, I can tell you that they are the kind of questions people who read camcorder magazines too much would ask. You could get by doing very good wedding videos without knowing the answer to most of them.
If someone has put out an ad suggesting a scenario, in this case videoing, why not leave it and see if people are interested, rather than attacking the guy on the assumption that he is a 'perv'. The response of the community will guide him in how to phrase his approaches if they don't work.
We're all here looking for a way to enrich our sex lives. It's way too easy to attack single men in this way. Most of us are as nervous, vulnerable, curious and in need of help when we start out as everybody else on this site. I would have hoped that a site like this would be one of the places where you don't feel judged for being honest about what your sexual wishes are, as long as they aren't illegal.
I'm glad that protool has reacted in a measured and open way, but I get angry when people treat single guys trying to make a connection as somehow dirty, dishonest or perverts.
Ok enought on we all know we were just havin the craic,especially protool,col chatted to him, I p.m. him sayi.g it a joke and nobody has to answer anything they don't want to.............