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flirting tips

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Ok i came into this forum because...with me being so quiet and a wallflower i thought it would give me tips on how to flirt :O So if any of ye can help me with tips and/or chat up lines they will be greatly appreciated ;). I am obviously doing something wrong....rolleyes xxx Worship does this line work::: I am so horny and need a roide? lol
If you were dressed as in pic above and reclining on bed then Yes that line would work. As to flirting I love someone cheeky who can take a ribbing and give one. Quick witted please and GSOH is essential (I have seen my self naked in mirror and it scares me)!!!
Tcell you have been a busy bee in forums lately biggrin and as for me saying that reclining on bed it does work silly haha i guess if i got them to my apt then i'm well in there ;) You're right about gsoh --lots of things can go wrong in bedroom hahaha....not saying a word :-o
Do as I do. Be yourself... avoid chat up lines.... but let them know that you're interested.... If they turn you down, you can sleep at night knowing that they just weren't interested. Lines and tricks don't woo men.... A promise of a blowjob might though. smile
Okayyyyyyyyyyy who blabbed???
That BJ was meant as a surprise treat

:laughabove: why doesn't this surprise me that marie answeredd this
one :grin: :grin:

manic ...:O i was kinda kidding with the whole thread rolleyes just want some hotties to flirt with me :cry: :giggle: :giggle: (thanks Tcell) rotflmao
here is one for your worship slip them a house key (a old one that dont work)and say go and warm the bed ill be along in ten minutes
Worship.....:-o sure all you have to say is "Head ,,,,get your kit off "kisspassionkiss
tatts kinda defeats the purpose of me getting lucky silly and besides don't want some nutter waking the neighbors by banging on door smile :)
head #1 are you really that easy? biggrin #2 are you trying to get my ass kicked by van :O pmsl ;)
hmmmm how about walking up to the bloke you have your eye on bat your lush eyes and bye him a drink and take it from there!!lol
me make the first move?? :crazy: :eeek: loon :scared: never :upset: i am too shy (really :P ) couldn't handle the rejection :grin: :grin:
god worshipme cant handle rejection find that hard to believe that but ok. Ahhhhhhh but what about the quiet shy lad thats plucked up the courage to chat to a lovely girl and gets shot down It take balls to do it. Well that me, the quiet lad in the corner XXXSTEVENXXX
yea steve, but its them balls that keep tellin you to stay trying
xxxsteven biggrin thats why you men have the balls :P and we don't unless we grab them hahaah veryhelpful :D :D never a truer statement.......most men think with the lower regions anyhow :D tatts...........i'm still looking for yours :giggle::giggle::grin:
Yes worship, or is that your worship ,the brain in a mans trousers controls the one between his ears
well put your hand down my pants and i bet you will feel nuts!! you can try your shy approach with me anytime worship and we will see who will flinch first !! lmao
veryhelpful that comes in very handy here biggrin tatts is that a duel I'm bolt :giggle:
yea worship , i belive the more you use a brain the more active it becomes ! now if your goin dueling be sure to bring a reliable person with you to make sure everyone plays fair
veryhelpful...i could use your help there biggrin tatts doesn't play fair so i was hoping you can let me use that sword of yours ;) it looks long and hard as steel smile :eeek: :rascal:
why thank you worship . my weapon is at your disposal
I have to say eye conact followed by a good smile, usually can hook me in. I'll hang around if you can make me laugh, feel special and take an interest. Pretty sure these tips work both ways.. M-F and F-M Please correct me if i'm wrong
veryhelpful biggrin i think i may have to practice a bit with that weapon of can show me how to use it properly innocent tezzybear -- i think you hit the nail on the head there those are good points and they do work both ways :D
Quote by user=marieandu4121

Have lauded the powerful magic in the sexy smile for ages - and know it works on me { insert whistling icon here }
veryhelpful biggrin i think i may have to practice a bit with that weapon of can show me how to use it properly innocent
yes worship practice makes perfect , im sure you got some practice at the weekend ,:D, not sure who would be showing who !
well worship the say the pen is mighter than the sword hence fling texting could be the way to go as you cant blush when he makes you tingle... then you can move into meet!!
veryhelpful only daggers available at weekend lol so i will have to wait for your sword ;) hehehe
tatts can't i have the flirty texts, tingling and meet :P i am a girl that wants it allllllllllllllllll ;) hehehe
this might help you find your courage ... lol
the pressure is on , im off to buy a bag of endurance horse nuts
tatts dutch courage is always good lol but i am still old school
the guy has to make first move :S crazy i know hahaha
veryhelpful you saying you like a horse innocent
im eatin like one at the moment