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Can we please all vertify what dogging is

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0 watchers
We are due to go out and about again,this weekend but can some of you verify what dooging is.I ask because a friend and her hubby went out last night,since sun is out for once,to Slieve Croob point to meet a guy on here,so is they put on a car show for guy,her bra up,knickers pulled down while hubby played with her bits,she then done same to him. When they had finished guy came over and said thats not dogging,you havent had full sex we have been out neither have we,with someone or another couple watching,we thought it was about a stranger planned or not,watching,spying on also said he was to have joined in at some before we go out can someone clear this up thanks Kerry Ann
its whatever the people at the place at the time want it to be. can be anything from guy watching couple from his car and never getting out,to guy joining in fully , or anything two for guy is vknowing whats wanted lol.
jeez talk about fussy guys. shame your not in dublin kerry would be great to even watch you at play. life is for living. live your own not some other gobshites. take care.
Think part of the problem is,that those watching just like the person above says,they dont know what to we all know there are pushy people,but what does a guy do us last guy that watched us was rude about me saying I was fat etc,maybe it just the places we go would really love those currently active in dogging what they do,signs they use etc its a minefield at present for those doing it,and those we are heading down soon,to meet a couple take care Kerry Ann
Quote by user=kerry69
.....When they had finished guy came over and said thats not dogging,you havent had full sex yet.....Guy also said he was to have joined in at some before we go out can someone clear this up thanks Kerry Ann

Hi Kerry Anne.
Dogging is what the dogging couple want it to be. From full naked sex outside the car with others watching and participating , to a bit of tit foldling inside.
The Dogging couple remain in control at all times. The most important thing is that the watcher,(Dogger) should never dictate terms. This guy was way out of line, especially demanding that he should have joined in. That is total shit from him and they should have told him to be happy with what he saw (as most doggers would be) or to fuck off with himself.
Anyway don't mind the rude cunt. There are really plenty of guys who love to watch and are glad to see even a bit of mild nakedness.
Best of dogging to all.
nakedcple, my sentiments exactly. I was involeved in the dogging scene in dublin during it's hayday - a few years back. The first thing that i did before i headed out on my "virgin dogging" expedition was to read up on the dogging rules and etiquette and laod up on the condoms - all flavours. the first cple that i met (Jackjill) could not have been nicer and filled me in on whats expected of the watcher. of course after a few years as word spread and guys became pushy or didn't read the rules dogging activity in dublin plummeted - reminds me of the North Sea fish stock situation. I reckon that its only through the reading and sticking by the dogging rules, the coaxing back of experienced dogging cples and the nurturing of new cples to the scene will we ever get back to the dogging activity of the haydays.
spelt involved wrong - sorry