A big YES ........ Do you belive one should follow their heart instead of their head ?
big yes to tat question lol have u ever falling 4 a friend ?
nope!! Did you have a good weekend?
Yes .....did u have sex this weekend ?
another NO
Did you have sex this weekend lol?
No....only wear them when i have to lol
would you cheat if you knew your partner wouldnt find out?
Have you ever been cheated on?
YES do u enjoy cyber lol?
do you swing on first meet
yes and no lol can u go all night ?
not always but its quality
who wants to find out
why cant i have both???
but it;d have to be quality....once it wasnt a twice a month thing!!!!
could you give up swinging tomorrow for good?
yes if asked by kermit to give it up i wud and im never bored lol lol wud u meet n shag somone if u didnt fancy jst to please ur other half ?
No, cos if you don't fancy someone sex becomes a chore instead of an enjoyable experience for both.
Would you be comfortable having sex in the presence of people of different sexual orientation? (ie gay/bisexual watching straight people or vice versa)
yes have done it n i like been watched lol do u like been watched? lol
no but have a gbh charge lol ever fook someone in uniform ??
no id never get them out while its bright out lol have u ever been to a nudeist beach?
lucky bitch lol yes will u go nude in spain lol
how am i suppose to answer that question when i won't be in spain :P but NO
have u ever fallen for ur cousin? (no one will have balls to admit it)
Oh god no way!!!!!!!!
Missed a question Have you ever fancied a member of the Clergy?
no wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have you ever lusted after your best friends partner
Lol thats an honest No! Have you ever gone out with someone you met on here?
oh i fell over my cousin once is tat the same thing lol ,No to the question , if u fell 4 someone on here wud u tell them ?