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Whispers..yes or no

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should the whisper feature be removed

Do you think the whisper feature kills room chat and interaction or do you think its a handy tool to have for passing on personal information etc. my own opinion is it kills room chat and makes room hopping a much more prevalent thing.
The whisper option can be more trouble that it's worth at times. If it was to stay,(and it more than likely will),People should have the Option to say No,and Not accept the Whisper!
Whisper function has a purpose, but it can be a pain for those that get unwanted whispers, alas its a necessary evil.
well to be honest, its not possible to exchange contact details in open chat... the only way to do it is via whisper , as you will find out, you will incur a ban if you type a phone number or email address or a meet location in open chat, so, without the whisper function, it would be impossible to have spontaneous meetings.. which, i presume is the main purpose of having a real time interactive chatroom folks.
Hmmmmm,Wouldn't a mail to your mailbox cover that,,Avalon????
would it be possible to have a function whereby a whisper would have to be authorised by the receiver every time someone tried to do it - i know it sounds niggly but it would stop all the unwanted whispers that go on
I think the whisper function is a necessary part of chat for private info etc. However I think the unwanted whispers should be dealt with. Maybe if the mods could take the whisper function away from somebody for a week or so as a deterrant to unwanted whisperes then they would realise how important it is and stop wrecking peoples heads.
Private info should be passed through the mail system - the whipser mode is not necessary except maybe for the Mods - and is far too intrusive.
I don't whipser intentionally - as I believe that's rude when in compnay - but it catches me out regularly because it's a passive function. Whipsers - if they are to stay - should be accepted by the recipient before they are active.
Yes, I hate unwanted whispers , however whispers are a necessity as I think its an integral part of chat as a lot of my stage two flirting goes on in whispers , while still being able on keep an eye on chat , I think lives idea is quiet good but warsp is great smile
A "My Whisperers" list would be good idea where when u get a whisper in chat u get the choice to accept or decline.. once u accept a whisperer they're on ur "My Whisperers" list and can whisper anytime unless u decide to remove them from your "list"
Quote by user=CorkHotCpl
Hmmmmm,Wouldn't a mail to your mailbox cover that,,Avalon????

There is all sorts of restrictions of who can communicate with who on this site, if you ask me. Its confusing and I dont know if anyone I contact is unable to contact me back, or they just aren't interested. :P I have asked before about this 'membership' thing (trying to pimp everyone in Ireland more like) and what people who didn't have it couldnt do, but never got a straight answer.
In Reply to Kong, You have a full membership so you can send and recieve messages, but if you are sending them to free members they cannot look at the messages these members can only browse profiles. It might well be a case they just dont want to reply.
I'm not sure what the big deal is? It's just another line on the screen that you can easily ignore. I know single males tend to use and abuse but seriously, it's more use than harm.
why can't whispers be ignored, like when u click on ur status u can say ur online, busy or idle, why cant another tab be added for enabling or disabling whispers? i dont know how much work would be involved but it would come in handy if u were recieving unwanted whispers
great idea in theory jay - but dont think it would work - i have a big network of friends on here that dont have to ask to whisper - including urself hun - id be turning it on and off all
Hi Folks Agree with Jay and L4. Just not sure of the capability of the Chat engine we use to provide that function. As far as I know we use Adobe...who are not as flexible or feature rich as or (Technical use of those names so dont blank moddies) to provide ignore or turn of whispers. I do tend to agree with Avalon that if numbers email addies need to be exchanged private or whisper is the best way. On a personal note.. I dont get too many whispers ( sad ) and when I do I just answer or ignore... for the more lovely ladies on the site I guess it can be different. just my 2 cents worth ..since my Anglo shares have gone down the tubes... cheers Frank
sorry my last post was censored... jaysus...will someone administring this site..use some sense sometime... yours very frustrated.. Frank
where was it censored, theres no sign of an edit? When a msg is edited, it comes in with a sign at the end, like this under here,a time stamp with the edit :-)iv also put one on ur second post to show u, or am i having a bit of a moment here
Your spot on there,Slightly. If it don't have the "Last Edit" date,and stamp,that post has not been touched...Which it hasn't! One point about that post though,which he mentions about the whisper being used for the posting of an e mail addy,or number. We disagree...We actually feel that whispering is not much good for that at all. First of all,,If the room is busy,the other person may not see the whisper,,and If you keep posting it,there is a chance you might post it,and your No longer in Whisper ,you'll get a warning,and a lot of other people then have your details. Secondly,We feel that private contact details are always better sent in a PM,as,it's safer,,and,the other person then has a record of it. We stick by what We say,,and think Whispering is an "Option" that you should be able to choose to accept,or Deny.
Ok, i wasn't gonna reply to this post at first but after watching a few things in chat over the last few days, i just have to say what's on my mind. And it might upset a couple of people but i just say what i feel. Firstly, i think whispers are necessary, for sharing information or getting to know things about people without telling these things to the whole room. An option to Accept/Decline would be useful but as it's not implemented the simple answer to peoples issue with them is simple. Ignore the damn things. It's not rocket science. We all get them, but their no different that some1 else chatting a line on the main screen that u read over. What's caused me to reply to this topic though is people copying and pasting what people whisper to them. Fair enough if their being abusive or disrespectful, copy and paste and let a mod deal with it. But if all their doing is saying "hi" then what's the point? Ignore it, move on, get on with ur chat. But even worse now what i've seen over the last couple of days is moderators aren't even giving warnings, just instantly kicking people for just saying "hi". Most of these people i've seen being kicked have been new members. Great way to attract people to the site there!!!!! So, to conclude, it would be great if they could add an Accept/Decline feature but as they don't have it right now, people for gods sake, get over yourselves and just ingore someone if they say "hi" or "how are you" ignore them, that's what i do, and they go away. If they get abusive or disrespectful, then copy n paste, instead of getting someone kicked for thinking they were being polite. And breathe..... Regards, MrH.
here here mrhorny xxx :clap::clap:
Mrhorny I tend to agree..common sense should prevail..either ignore them or chat to them...its up to receiver thats what I do, unless they become too intrusive or to kicking without warning, thats a hard one to say for fact as you might not always know why a person has gotten kicked..could be for a number of reasons....
I would agree with Mr HDC, copying and pasting a basic Hello is a bit over the top,,,a simple no thanks would /should suffice,,and again yes by all means copy and paste abuse etc. On the positive side, whispers are a stepping stone to developing contact thru here,,, it then tends to lead to pvt rooms,,,or swopping personal info, which in my opinion should be done via mail anyway.. (too many slip ups have happened and its been posted in main chat ). Its also used as a quiet and quick way for mates on here to have contact. Overall..keep them !
Like Most of the rest, while i don't use them often i still feel that they are a necessary part of the chatroom. I feel they make chat disjointed especially when one person is whispering, and the other is replying in open chat. It would be great to have an ignore button but i don't know if that is technically possible in this version of chat as this might make some of those that whisper without asking think first, as they could end up getting ignored by the user. I would always exchange personal data in email as one little slip and you could be shouting it in the room especially if the person is close to the chat to all on the listing. On another note, can we not have the chatters listing in an alphabetical order so its easier to find people? Sean
sean regarding listing chatters , people move in and out of rooms so list always changing , howver quicker way to find someone is just to click on any name in list and click the first letter of the person that your looking for until you reach them
So 'free' members can't open messages I send? How can they be contacted then?
Quote by user=jandj30s
Do you think the whisper feature kills room chat and interaction or do you think its a handy tool to have for passing on personal information etc. my own opinion is it kills room chat and makes room hopping a much more prevalent thing.

Uh Oh!........ can opened........... worms everywhere......... bolt
Well i have to say that I feel the whisper function is one of the better features of the chat makes it much more like real life - if you are in a room full of people you wouldn't want everyone to hear everything you said under normal circumstances.....imagine you are in a pub for example - would you want the whole place to hear you whispering dirty things to a person you were chatting up? I think most people wouldn't. As for the coopying and pasting thing.....I've had cause to do it once or twice, but as a rule i will either ignore the whisper or reply in main chat and say I'm not whispering, please stop. Now there are a few on here, mostly single males (not having a go at ye lads, it's just an observation), who take offence at being told to stop - they seem to think the rules don't apply to them, and have got abusive with me, which has led to them being kicked - i didn't ask for them to be kicked as i quite enjoy the odd row now and again, but it can disrupt the chat in general so i understand why it's done, and have no complaints there either. Yet again it seems to be down to common sense and courtesy - as has been mentioned already in this thread. I do think that either an ignore facility or a whisperers list are good ideas, but I'm not convinced that anything really needs to change except for the attitudes of the few that abuse the system. I know that, as a male, i generally get a lot less of this than the women on here, so I'm only speaking from a personal point of view here, but it's interesting (and pleasing) to see that the poll is largely in favour of keeping whispers. Good thread jandj :cheers: Andy
In my opinion the whispers are part and parcel of the chat room and should remain. Their good for passing private information between people. I don’t copy and paste unless I get seriously abusive ones, always been my practice,and, has to be said when people are abusing me, they tend to do it on the main screensmile , so , don’t even get many abuse whispers.I am of the opinion a whisper never killed anyone. The trouble usually develops for people if theres only a few females in a room , and suddenly your whole screen is filled with can I whisper(usually in whisper ;)), or whispered conversations, that you haven’t initiated. After a bit of this even a saint would start getting slightly annoyed, never mind your average single female. Still, the most annoying thing I find bout whispers is when your in full naughty mode, and you send one to the main screen by mistake,,,,,,,,:-o its never one about the weather or your work days, that goes astray ,always one about , your bodily functions or naughty bits , maybe... we should have a dirt and filth filter :grin:
I agree with Slightlysexy, whispers are an important site function, infact that's how in most cases people strike up a friendships. In most cases, asking to whisper and then chatting, builds up a bit of craic then a potential kinship, for my part I feel they should stay. Padds