Hey guys and girls whats was most funniest thing that as ever happend to you while having sex.
Passes the hat around for the cosmetic surgery to put Boo's body back together again after Bull sees this post!
and to pay for a world-wide embargo on this post so Bull can retrieve some male ego/dignity!!!
if ever there was a reason to have only one pussy in the house i think this is it...:borg:
Passes the hat around for the cosmetic surgery to put Boo's body back together again after Bull sees this post!
It was bloody funny, I have to say.
Cats are now banned from the bedroom during sex, not just to avoid such injury, but also because they have this habit of staring at you and making you feel very guilty for some reason.
Good one Amber hun lmao off at that i had druken night out with a girl one night in Kilkenny so we got back to my place, an i decided to do a chippendale style dance on the bed while trying take me sock me off i got all tangled up and fell of the bed she roared laughlin while i was in a heap on the floor .
was in bed, and himself was mooching around under the covers, I turned around to find him wearing a teddybears head , pmsl,
then when i went to grab his willy he had poor teddys tail on it, actually pissed myself laughing,
or on numerous occasions, involving cellotape,
taped himself to the coffee table, door, bed, garden trellis etc...
and beat the bejaysas out of him with my cane,
all done in a loving and controlled environment,
yeah rite,