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What would you do if you had someone as a slave for one hour

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If you won a bet with another site member to have them as a slave for an hour ( willing and for fun )who would it be and what would you have them do ? Doesn't have to be sexual can be funny.
I'll start supose I have to seeing as I started it I recently viewed the profile of EXCITING ( a girl ) WOW OMG how sexy are her pics so if I had her for an hour the mind races with all sorts of wonderful positions and things mmmmm but I do need my grass cut too this is a though one could have her do the grass in sexy lingerie smile just kinding of course.
We would release them! as slavery is immoral, and anyone whom holds a slave should be put down like a rabid dog!
Well yes that just took the fun out of it alright ah well I thought it could have been fun but maybe not try not take things so seriously
If I had a slave for an hour they could clean my house ,cook the dinner ,and do all the ironing, lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hay robbie edit it to say more then willing slave ;-) we dont take things seriously but i bet slaves do. Look at our avatar pic! Its spartacus ffs lol need we say more :-)
omg cannot belive no response to our response to if we had a slave for an hour ,clean our house ????? ironing???????? make the dinner?????????? lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
I can cook ( as long as it's beans on toast ) and clean too as long as I get to do it wearing just my sexy apron smile
now there the sprit robbie lol as long as you can cook toast :lolsurprisednly wear an apron what about the ironing :wave2::wave2: :lol: :lol:
ok go on then I'll do the ironing too as I don't burn anything that might stick out smile